OT - Two Days, 39 Miles! Can I Do It?
Dear Friends and Family:
I am currently in training to undertake the single hardest physical challenge I have attempted to do since I had weight loss surgery.
I have signed up to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in New York City on October 4-5, 2008. I will walk a total of 39 miles in two days, along with thousands of others who have made the same courageous commitment to help raise awareness and funding for this devastating disease. We will sleep in tents, shower in semi-trucks and push ourselves far beyond what we ever thought we were capable of doing.
Do you remember when the word “cancer” was only spoken in hushed tones? Well, it’s time for me to start making noise and taking action against this disease that has devastated my family. Cancer claimed the lives of both of my aunts, an uncle and my beloved first husband, Chuck. Currently my cousin is undergoing her own battle with breast cancer, and also two very dear friends. I can’t count the number of other relatives and dear friends that have been affected in so many ways by various types of cancer. While I can’t do anything about the past-I am determined to try to make a difference in the future.
Why would I do this you may ask? I truly believe that finding the cure to one cancer will be the key to unraveling the mysteries of many cancers. Too many people have had their lives torn apart by this disease. And I refuse to sit idly by and watch it happen. So why do I do all this? Because I can.
This is where you come in. I can’t do this alone. As part of this commitment, I have agreed to raise at least $2,000 for the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade. Since 1992, The Avon Foundation has returned more than $250 million for the cause. That money is distributed to five critical areas: medical research, clinical care, support services, education and early detection programs. While $2,000 may be just a drop in the bucket of what is needed in this fight against cancer, it is still far beyond my personal means and I need your help. Will you please help me reach my goal?
There are two ways you can donate to this cause and support my efforts.
1. Click on the link below for my Personal Page. “Click here to Support Me” and you can pledge and pay online by credit or debit card either as a one-time gift or a pledge over time, or http://info.avonfoundation.org/site/TR/Walk2008/NewYork?px=3 956738&pg=personal&fr_id=1660&et=m3cmkxW8DRA95TFY2Rev7Q..&s_ tafId=312642
2. You can just mail me a check made payable to “Avon Walk for Breast Cancer” directly to me and let me do all the paperwork for you.
Either way, your gift will be appreciated more than I can possibly tell you. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support and encouragement in this undertaking. When I hit the road, I’ll know that you were a special part of my journey and of the journey of so many others along the way.
Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. -Eleanor Roosevelt-
Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11