Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! It's time to rise and shine. Gotta spray our those pits and eat those grits!
I just had to do it Dayner! HEHEHE I hope you slept good, but now it's time to get going.
Our challenge today is to get in your vitamins. It is VITAL that we as WLS'ers take our calcium and that we get in our Multivitamin. Also, REMEMBER! Do NOT take these at the same time. Alternate your calcium and your mulitvitamin. I have from personal experience, have seen that if I do not take my calcium, my weight stalls. Funny huh? It's true though, and as soon as I start to take it again, I will lose. Why? I dunno, but it's true. I believe Carolyn C also said this same truth about her DH, Peter. So let's be sure we TAKE OUR VITAMINS!
Who's up today? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm loving me some Godiva Hazelnut flavored Chocolate coffee from my Baby Lucy. She knows how to get to her man's heart. HEHEHEE Only one week away till I sweep her off her feet. LOL
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful Thursday as you get in those Vitamins!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"