Cigna Insured and seeking new DR.
I too use the Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeons (Dr. Abkin, Bertha, Garrison) - and according to this website, Dr. Abkin DID accept Cigna nsurers+Alexander+Abkin+dbl.htmlNot sure if he still does, but you should call the office and check it out. They are a great bunch of people - and extremely helpful (973) 410-9700
I called yesterday and was told that he no longer accepts Cigna. I don't know if Dr. Garrison does something differently. I have to go in for a slight unfill on Friday and will be paying cash ($60). I need to find another Dr. quickly. I've been having some serious issues with reflux and the nurse at Bertha's office suggested I have an endoscopy done.
I have Cigna insurance. my out of network is paying for lap band with Dr. R. Pucci in Devnville. It was done just 3 1/2 weeks ago. I feel good and have had no post-op problems. I like Dr. Pucci. Surery was done at St. Clairs Denville. They were a great staff I have only good to say for my experiences so far.