cpap users.....
Question for you CPAP users out there.....How can I tell how many hours I have logged on my machine? They say I need 200. And I am sure I have to have that and more by now. But the problem is: when we were moving my friend's daughter turned it on in the middle of the day and logged a few they see the times the machin was turned on? I know that seems stupid to worry about, but I have had so many issues with the surgery and approval I dont want any suprises! LOL
the newer ones can do a printout of use times,,,,,,,,,,, but DON'T WORRY!!!!
You are SUPPOSED to use it if you take a nap, etc......
Read the instruction book that should have come with your machine....otherwise, look it up online and set your mind at ease! Good luck with your surgery and approval! Mary C