Friday Coffee Talk
WOO HOO for Friday's!!! Right Karen!? My Friend Karen loves saying WOOO HOOO! HEHEHEHE Anyone wanna do the happy
with me? Today is going to be a wonderful day! Gotta keep that positive thought!
Our challenge for today is to not focus on RICHES. What do I mean? Focusing on "things" will keep you NOT focused on the right things. Keeping up with the Jones and the Browns is not important. Your family is important. Sure we all want nice things and that is good. That's ok! Just don't focus on the wrong riches. Don't go out and buy something just because someone else has it and just to keep up. If you do, you'll find yourself in the poor house instead of having "riches"! True riches are love, peace, and family! Focus on those things. When you do, everything else will come, "in time"!
So, who's up? What cha sipping this morning? Me? Man oh man! I am enjoying some awesome Harry and David's Moose Munch Tripple Chocolate Coffee. You have got to try this one! You can get it online at Chekc it out and get cha some of this stuff!!! What are you enjoying?
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful Friday as you seek the RIGHT riches!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"