Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. Well, maybe it's too early to rise and shine. LOL It's 3:50 a.m. I couldn't get back to sleep so I thought I'd post and say an early good morning!
Our challenge today is to not put anyone down. NEVER put anyone down. Not just today, EVERYDAY! If we put someone down, we tear them down and tearing down causes low self esteem, insecure feelings, hurt, deep pain, and even worse. Who are we to put anyone down. How did we get up after being put down ourselves? What made us any better? NOTHING? Social status, being a parent, job position, money, NOTHING makes us or puts us in a position to put/tear anyone down or make them feel like we are better. You put your pants on the same way everyone else, "ONE LEG AT A TIME". That's the way everyone lives. We make it day by day. Instead of tearing or putting someone down, how bout helping them get a "leg" up in life? How about making them feel better about themselves? How about giving or showing a little bit of care? How about giving a little bit of love? What a wonderful world this would be if we all did?
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? No coffee yet. Can ya believe it? LOL I'm saving coffee this morning for when I get to the church office. I had 3 pots, 12 cups each yesterday! I really can't do that again! LOL One good thing came from it though (that much caffine). I had 18 young people here last night and I was able to stay up and "hang" with them! LOL The guys ended up staying here and the girls all went elsewhere. I have guys laying everywhere in my living room. LOL Anyway, I am enjoying some Propel right now. The more I think of coffee, the more it makes me want to go make a pot.
Ya'll have a wonderful, blessed day as you LIFT someone else today!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"