Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I KNOW you had a great nights sleep and now you are up and ready for a NEW DAY! Today is going to be an awesome day. One month from today, I get to meet my new love, Lucy! I'm ready for our date!
Our challenge today is mainly for parents. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE communicate with your children/child. I have a young girl at my house that feels left out and unloved. She's been here since we got back from Winterfest. Her father is in Florida doing his thing, and her mom lives in Chattanooga, TN. Her mom was suppose to pick her up at the hotel on Sunday when we left. She had an excuse and "couldn't make it". Then she was to meet the bus on our way back through Chatanooga. She had an "excuse" and said she'd just drive to Alabama to pick her up on Monday. She called and couldn't come. Her mom is an alcoholic. Her father is a GOOD man, but he can't relate to her. He doesn't know how to talk to her. Now, the girl is heartbroken and feels unloved and unwanted. We HAVE to communicate with our children and we HAVE to love them. Sure we have our own lives, but if we bring these children in to this world, WE HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY to LOVE them and BE THERE FOR THEM! I know there are times we want to have some alone time. I know there are times we want to get away. There is nothing wrong with that at all. But let's do it in the "right" way. Let's LOVE and RESPECT our children! THEY NEED US IN THEIR LIVES! I can bet you one thing! Until her father comes to get her sometime this week, she WILL feel LOVED and she WILL feel wanted!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Maxwell House regular blend this morning. It'****ting the spot too. When I get to the church this morning, I'm gonna make some REAL "sissy" coffee. HAHAHA That phrase makes me laugh. I'm going to make some Harry & David Strawberry Milkshake flavored coffee. Pastor and his wife asked me to wait till today and make it so they can enjoy some with me. LOL I KNOW it will be good!
Ya'll have a wonderful and blessed day as you LOVE YOUR CHILDREN!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"