Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. A new day is here and it's going to be wonderful. How'd you sleep? I slept like a rock. Of course, I am up at 5 a.m ready for a day when I should be sleeping. I mean, come on! It's Spring Break here! I should be relaxing and just sleeping away. Can't do it! Gotta do Coffee Talk. No! This isn't why I can't sleep. LOL It's called an internal alarm clock and it always makes me get up around this time. LOL
Our challenge for today is to look inward. What do I mean? Look inside yourself. Do you like the person who you really are? So many times, we put on a front. We put on a show. We put on a face to show others a side of us so that we don't show the real us. Do you really like YOU. Do you really like what you see inside? It's what's hidden deep inside that longs to scream out.. Only you can look deep and chage what you don't like. Only you can let the deep things be released. Don't hide the hurts. Don't hide that pain. Don't hide false faces. Don't keep covering it up. Let the real you let go. Let the real you release yourself and your feelings. ONLY YOU CAN LET YOU BE HEALED AND BRING PEACE!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? Man oh man. Just when I think I find some good coffee, MORE good coffee emerges! I found a Harry & David's in Pigeon Forge at the Tanger Outlet Malls and I thought my nose was going to SWELL I sniffed so much coffee! I ended up buying only one bag and it's what I am enjoying this morning. Moose Munch Tripple Chocolate!!! WOW!! This stuff is awesome. Sure would love to share a cup with you. Ya'll have a wonderful inward searching day! Be BLESSED!