Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good morning everyone! It's time to rise and shine. Wednesday is here and the week is 1/2 over. It's hump day and all down hill to the weekend now. It's going to be a great day!
Our challenge today is to be optomistic. Look at things on the bright side. Sure there is always a bad side, but if we focus on that side, we will only be sad, upset, depressed, and even angry. If we will be optomistic and see the good side of things, it causes us to see the good side of things. You may say, "there isn't a good side to what I'm facing Randall. How can you tell me to be optomistic and you don't even know what I am going through?" Well, that may be true. I don't know what you are facing or going through, but then again, you don't know where I have been and what I am facing, yet I choose to see the good side. I PROMISE you! If you will be optomistic, you will see changes in the bad things. You will see things in a whole new light and your situations will begin to change and you'll see the GOOD! I PROMISE YOU! See the optomistic side today!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? ME? MAN OH MAN! I get a double shot this morning! I get to enjoy some AWESOME Hazelnut Noisette (which is Hazelnut Vanilla Cream) by Godiva Chocolate Company. My Baby, Lucy sent it to me so I am enjoying this awesome coffee and with every sip, I get to think about Lucy. I LOVE YOU LUCY!! Yeah, I know! I'm mushy this morning! But I can't help it. HEHEHEHE
Ya'll have a wonderful and blessed Wednesday! I KNOW I will!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Good morning Randall, and everyone in NJ,
I just finished my morning coffee, and I'm happy. Optimism is a great thing. If we maintain a positive, optimistic attitude, we attract good things into our lives.
I have to say that I love Lucy, too, but in my home Lucy is a delightful, 10 year old Scottish Terrier.
Enjoy the sunshine and remain optimistic that the sun will continue to shine, the weather will continue to warm up and we will all be happy & healthy.