Keep hubby in your thoughts....
Just as an FYI hubby was in the hospital - I got home this morning and slept for about 2 hours - woke up to pee only to be greeted by 'Can you look at this for me' which was a HUGE cyst that was infected....on his rear end...gee honey, how long has THIS been cooking? Oh, about 3 or 4 days. Thanks for letting me know so I could get you started on antibiotics. So back to the hospital I went.
He needed a minor surgical procedure in the ER to drain the thing - but we're not out of the woods yet. It appears to also be pionatal (which means there's hair and stuff in there and even though it's drained, will most likely come back and need an actual OR procedure) It's packed and what not. As hubby says, he's a big wuss.....he took the percocet and went to bed with me so I could get some more sleep before work (going in now) Of course, he slept through another dose of percocet, woke up in pain - thought walking and smoking a cigarette would help - which he immediately passed out doing because of the increased pain. It's not the first time he's passed out from pain - so luckily I was standing next to him and was able to get him onto the couch. He woke up - I shoved more percocet down his mouth and bout half an hour later he was among the living again. Got him to bed.
The ER doc told him he can't work for 2 days minimum and needs to see a surgeon. Up until tonight (ya know, earlier, when he was still numb from the injections) he told me and the doc he was going to work. Guess who just called out after his little passing out episode! LOL
So, although I jest about the whole thing - I do feel bad for him - and he IS in quite a bit of pain and may need surgical intervention - we're just not sure if that will be soon, or if they will wait and see how this heals, and deal with it if and when it comes back.
Thanks for listening.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Hi Pam,
Sorry to hear about your hubby, my father had the same thing some years ago, the infection spread through his whole body, and he needed emergency surgery. He was okay after that. It was related to sugar. I would go see another doctor for a second opinion. If my father didn't get to the hospital when he did, he would have died. I don't want to scare you or anything, just want to make sure your hubby is okay. Let us know how he is doing. I will be praying for him.
Thanks all. He goes for his recheck today and has an appointment for the 24th with a surgeon. Because the cyst is drained already, he should be fine until then. We've dealt with these before with him, but at the time he had no insurance, so he just had it drained and it's been good for the past year and half, up until this week. He has packing in it. I changed the dressing yesterday, today he goes back for the packing change. If it needs to be repacked (which I suspect it will) after this, I can do that at home. The packing allows it to close from the inside out, as opposed to the outer layer closing first. This will help prevent it from coming back soon. Then, we'll see the surgeon and see if the whole thing needs to be removed (again, which I suspect it will need to be) The emergent part of the issue seems to have been resolved.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and concerns and prayers - I do appreciate it.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Hey Melissa,
Thanks for asking. He went for his recheck on Tuesday. And to my surprise, they did not need to repack it. Not to be gross, but there was only blood on the packing, no more puss, which means they got it all on the first shot. He was in quite a bit of pain after the procedure, though, so he had a rough night.
Tonight was much better. He got home and took a shower and I took a look at it - the swelling is just about gone, as is the bruising, and the wound itself looks clean and clear. His pain was under much better control, and didn't even need to take the percocet before bed (He can't take it during the day because of work, but has been using it to help him sleep) Regular old motrin seems to be doing the trick. He still can't sit very easily - but that will come with time.
I'll let you know what the surgeon says on the 24th.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.