
How did you decide

Jo Ann M.
on 3/4/08 7:44 am - Edison, NJ
I haven't had my surgery yet,  I'm scheduled for March 14th.  It was a really hard decision, but I am opting to go for the lap band mostly because of my health issues and it being a less invasive surgery.  I've known a lot of people who have had the RNY some with excellent results and some with problems.  It's not an easy decision and I flip flopped back and forth.  But when it comes down to ....  I personally had to go for less invasive because I have a 12 yr old son and am afraid to take a chance with the more invasive surgery.   You'll know when you reach the right decision for you.  Just keep reading and be honest with yourself and what you want.  Good luck!!

  Always, Jo Ann
        (but hopefully less of me soon )
on 3/4/08 8:19 am - East Brunswick, NJ
You have an awsome surgeon whatever procedure you decide on!  I also started my WLS journey figuring on RNY. However it was my gastroenterologist who said no and that if I wanted to have surgery it would be the RNY because he refused to give me clearance for the band. I have had severe GERD since I was a teenager and according to my GI doctor I would be at high risk for complications with the band. I was very upset at the time but after some research into RNY I realized he was corrrect and that RNY was a much better choice for my needs. 3 months post op I am very happy with the results. Post-op period was not very painful, but remember it is a major surgery and you won't have a lot of energy. Good luck with whatever descision you make. Linda

Nobody  can make you feel inferior without your permission.  -Eleanor Roosevelt-  

on 3/4/08 9:28 am - Boynton Beach, FL
Personally I made the decision on RNY through a combination of discussions with my surgeon and in talking with people who have had the different types of surgery.  Going to the support group which was required for insurance approval also provided alot of  useful info, it was great to hear the input of the 20-30 attendees.  It just seemed that the band wouldnt be strict enough for me. Even though I had major complications with my RNY surgery which surely would not have ocurred with lapband, I still think I made the right decision. I'm not even 2 months out of surgery and already down 100 lbs ...simply amazing.  I've still got about another hundred to lose but I'm still losing at a good rate and have been feeling better and better each day.
on 3/4/08 12:09 pm - washington, NJ
Hi nice to see you posting Adam.Glad to hear you are doing well now.Congratulations on a phenominal loss.Keep up the great work.

 Goal is 165 or thigh high boots whichever comes first

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/08 8:25 pm - NJ
Wow - Congrats to all of you on your weight loss & keep up the good work.  I am still researching and although the RNY seems to have less maintenance, it is a bigger procedure overall.  I was so out of commission after I had my daughter via c-section, the thought of something more like that is too much for me.  Our daughter is 6 1/2 and  I don't want to be out of it for too long. I will need to be more in control of what I eat to make the lap-band sucessful and that is what it's going to boil down to. I do like the low-maintanence, but overall, I like the same-day of the lap-band and that it is adjustable if I need to have it tightened. My last question - can you feel it under your skin and if so, is it really noticeable? Thanks again for sharing and your honesty, it is really helping me. Jen
Pam Hart
on 3/5/08 4:51 am - Easton, PA

It is a very personal decision.

I too had to look at my eating habits.  It wasn't just a volume issue for me.  It was the types of food.  I enjoyed to endulge myself on high fat, high carb foods, and especially during "that time of the month" I was a chocolate freak.  Granted, sweets weren't always a big part of my life, more so the salty crunchy things.  That being said, very rarely would I turn down a brownie if it was there.

The RNY has restriction so I can't eat as much, malabsorption so I don't absorb as much that I do take in, AND I can get sick off of to much fat or sugar.  I would prefer NOT to be sick.  That was my key.  The simple restrictive process would not change my eating habits - I could easily "cheat" my way through the surgery and have high fat high sugar foods.  I believe the surgery, of any type, is part of a tool.  And regardless of DS, RNY, or Band, I think you need to work your tool.  I didn't do this to lose weight in all truthful honesty.  I did it to become healthy.  Granted, part of being healthy is not to be over weight, but my primary focus is health, not numbers.  I am now training for a 5K in July - I never would have expected that from myself.  My primary doctor said something to me early on that made alot of sense - there are LOTS of skinny people out there who are not healthy.

So, that's how I came to my decision.  My advice to you is read and read and read everything you can on ALL the surgeries.  Really evaluate yourself AND your lifestyle.  What are you willing to gain?  What are you willing to give up?  What are you willing to improvise?  How far are you willing to push yourself.  It's alot of hard questions to answer, and some answers you might not like if you are being truthful with yourself.

Best of luck,


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 5:29 am - NJ
You have summed it up perfectly.  I am ready to make the changes that I have failed at before.  I am ready to realize that you can eat everything in moderation and that I can be happy with a nibble of ice cream instead of a cone, because it won't be a forbidden food any longer.  I don't want forbidden foods any more.  I want things that are good for me as well as a treat now and then, not most of the time - I finally reached the point that I am fed up and know that I cannot go on like this.  I am bigger now than when I gave birth, and most of the clothes I have are tight and they are the biggest clothes I have ever purchased.  Not a fun place to be, especially with the health issues too.  It will be nice not to be so hungry all the time and nice to be able to focus on other things instead of what I am going to eat next because my stomach never seems to get full.  I am looking forward to making healthy, smart choices and knowing that they will keep me full until the next meal time, instead of for a half-hour. I also am looking forward to becoming the active person I used to be.  I miss going swimming and the water parks, and I miss being able to dress in cute, stylish clothes.  most of all, I want to be around as long as I can for my husband, daughter, and the rest of my family.   This really is the tool I need to make the switch from large and unhealthy to trim, lean and healthy.  This is about taking care of ME and not everyone else for a change.  Once I am happy with ME, the rest will fall into place. Thanks Pam!
on 3/6/08 10:29 pm - Pennsville, NJ
Decisions, decisions.  Actually, I wanted the RNY all along.  My husband, however, tried over and over to talk me into the LapBand.  I know me.  I'm impatient.  There was no way I could "wait" to lose the wait.  Also, the "fills" didn't appeal to me at all.  I had my open RNY on 5/25/07 and I'm down over 120 lbs and happily 5 pounds under my surgeon's goal.  I had a pain level of 1 in the recovery room.  The RNY was extremely easy for me.  My husband owns his own business and, of course, all you-know-what broke out at our largest client the day after I got home from my surgery.  I was back to doing all the stay-home mommy things (driving kid everywhere, laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.) and I was fine.  I don't exercise every day.  As soon as it warms up again, I'm back out to the track across the street doing my 4.5 miles every morning.  I can't say enough wonderful things about my RNY.  Also, I don't dump.  I think I've done it twice.  I'm not the poster child for RNY.  We go to Cracker Barrel every day for lunch (I get kid's grilled chicken or soup and a little salad) and, my best friend/co-worker and I share a piece of the chocolate coca-cola cake. LOL  Okay, so I only take about 3-4 small bites but it cures my sweet tooth.  And, I've lost consistently. lol Your decision has to work for the rest of your life.  I didn't plan to lose it all in just 9 months but I did.  COOL!  But, I also know I have to work with my decision for the rest of my life.  You MUST make a lifelong commitment to whichever procedure you choose.  But, for me, I made the BEST decision for me.  I tell EVERYONE how much I love my RNY. Best wishes to you on this incredible new journey you're about to take!!!!!
* Cyndi *

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/08 11:53 pm - NJ
Thanks for sharing!  Everyone is making valid points and what my "sticking point" is the low maintenance of the RNY as compared to the problems that can arise from the lap-band - the slippage, the wet burps, the port problems, etc..  Part of me feels like since I am having something done anyway, maybe I should just do the RNY and be done with it, but the other part thinks of lots of other things - being out of commission for a few days, etc.. But, then I am done - there aren't tons of visits afterwards, no visible port like I have been reading about.  When I have my appointment on the 19th I have quite a list of questions.  Thanks again for all of you who are sharing your decision making process with me Jen
on 3/7/08 12:03 am - Lakewood, NJ
Hello: First, you have picked a VERY competent and excellent surgeon, certainly not the only one but still one of the best .... My original idea was to have the lap band as I felt that it was less invasive and faster surgery and in and out of the hospital in one day. In my meeting with Dr Bertha he told me that due to my weight (410 lb) and some of the secondary problems (knees, apnea, cholesterol, etc.) that I would be better off with the RNY and to seriously consider that option so that I could lose the most weight in the shortest amount of time to get myself back into better health.  I chose the RNY based upon his advise and upon researching others that had the band that were able to "fool it". I also felt that with my obsessive compulsive type of personality that I needed the negative reinforcement of dumping which most people (not all) do not have with the band. I have since seen many successful people with ALL methods (there are other methods like the Duodonal switch, etc.) and they are all successful if you stick to it and follow thru. Usually after 2 years the lap band people catch up with the RNY people. This surgery is just a tool that can help you get to where you want to be ... but it will be up to you whether you stay there. It is now just shy of 2 years for my and I have lost 140 lb total and I am feeling 30 years younger and better. I did a Century ride on my bike last summer and have become a compulsive exerciser / biker (did one 90 min spin class this week, 2 road trips for 20 miles each plus 2 days of weight training).  Good luck and whatever decision you make ... work hard at being successful!! Michael Rosen
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