Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone. How'd you sleep. I slept good till about an hour ago and thunder with lightning woke me up. The rain on the roof is a beautiful sound. The weather isn't as bad as they said it would be though. THANK GOD! I knew it'd be ok! How'd you sleep?
Our challenge for today is to be real. Just be you. You can't be fake and expect to get anywhere in life. I KNOW! I tried for years to be fake. Be someone I wasn't. All it got me was a false sense of life and a false sense of hope. Hope comes in being TRUE and being the REAL YOU! Putting on mask all the time only hurts you. Just be real. I know I may have made thise challenge to you before, but I feel the urgency to say this and use this again. It's so important that we don't be fake. It builds up so much hurt. Not only in you, but those around you. If you are fake, you hurt those around you too. Wouldn't it be sad if no one ever got to see the beautiful REAL you? Go ahead. Be the real YOU today! I dare you!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Chocolate Godiva cream coffee again. Every sip makes me think of my baby, Lucy. Mushy ain't i? HEHEHE Gotta love being REAL!
Ya'll have a blessed, wonderful, and REAL TUESDAY!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"