Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone! Man oh man did I sleep good. How'd you sleep. Today is a new day and the start to a new week. It's going to be wonderful. Time to rise and shine!
Our challenge for today is to not ask "why me". Sometimes in our lives, we ask the question why me when we face challenges. Maybe you are gaining after WLS. Maybe you are facing a hard time right now in other areas. Instead of asking "why me", look at the challenge as just that. A challenge that you are going to focus on how to change or how to beat that challenge. Why me and pitty parties don't do anything for us except make us feel beaten. You are not BEATEN! You are a victor, not a victim. Step up! Get out of the pit of pitty and be that VICTOR today! I KNOW you can do it!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Godiva Chocolate Cream Coffee sent to me by my sweetheart, Lucy. I love you Lucy. Sorry for the mush guys! No I'm not. LOL I'll say it again. Love ya Lucy!
Ya'll have an awesome and blessed Monday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"