Fear of Failure
I am of the opinion that most of us got here in the same way- we overeat. We binge eat. We eat out of emotion. We are slaves to our genetics. We are caught in a vortex. So if we were able to control this pre-op we would not be here in the first place, right? Yet knowing this about myself- and being the kind that has only been able to comply with "diets" (yes I know- way of eating....) for periods of time and then ultimately lose control again.. and again.. and again.. well how good a candidate am I for this surgery? I guess I wonder if it is a good enough tool for me? I absolutely understand I need to make effort- and I am and will. But will it be enough? Did you feel this way? It is so hard for me to know I can do it. all the way. Also I guess I need to know the worst that could happen. If I do not comply. If I completely and utterly can't do this. I probably need to be frightened enough of that outcome to keep myself on the right path. My other worst fear is hair loss being a breast cancer survivor of 7 years. Been there done that. I am reconciling myself with the idea it may happen again. I know I need the surgery- I am diabetic at this point and I honestly see no other way with other physical barriers to get completely well again. But I am fearing failure. Whew! Finally I posted that! :) Thanks

Being 3 weeks post-op and 30lbs lighter, i question myself all the time. I'm i going to be the one that this surgery is not going to work for? will all this effort go down the drain in 3, 6 or 9 months from now?
I can't help it, but my only tool is "I trust GOD".
I think everyone of us have feel this way at one given moment. (or at least i hope so)
Thank you for this post,
evening to you i always keep this surgery front and center -- i refuse to be fat ever again -- i will win this time -- i can drive by burger king now because i do not want to be fat -- i look at other people who are sitting in burger king and i think 'my god how could you sit there and eat that crap that isn't even good for you probably to get diahrrea in 10 minutes' and i think like that alot -- when we go to restaurants now i think 'oh my got how could i sit here before and eat all that bread and butter and a salad and a soup and a dinner AND dessert???' i go food shopping and think the same way "how can they buy that? don't they know how much sugar is in that??'' i ALWAYS watch what other people eat -- ross included or ross especially -- my god how can he eat chips?? everyday!! -- doesn't he know he'll get fat again if he keeps eating those f'en chips!! and then i get mad at him -- but i h ave to remember that i had this surgery for me and me only -- he did not have the surgery for me and i shouldn't yell at him for what he eats -- and i really think that by watching other people i keep myself in check -- i make sure i follow the basic steps every day -- protein first -- 64oz at least of fluid -- protein first -- no matter what meal or snack or even a can of soup -- i will eat the protein first -- veggies second -- and then the carbs -- i had dinner (a grilled cheese with salami) at 6:30 -- it's now 7:30 -- i am still full -- i haven't had anything to drink yet cuz i'm still full and i know that there is no place to put any liquid at the moment this surgery will work for you if you want it too -- the worst that will happen is you will gain all the weight back -- and we all know that when lost weight comes back it always brings friends!! as for the hair loss -- i lost my hair before too due to medical treatments -- but it grew back too -- i was scared of the stories i heard about ppl losing their hair -- at 15 mths out i have not lost any hair -- i believe that this is because i have always kept up with my protein -- and i dont' stress over this surgery -- i knew that if i followed the instructions i would lose weight -- so why stress over it -- it was going to come off -- not in 1 month like some people want -- but within a time frame of 18 months i was told -- i'll give myself those full 18 months -- i'm trying to maintain right now -- and last month i gained a pound -- woopty doo -- a whole pound -- i will not beat myself up over it -- 1 lb out of the 103 i lost -- i'll take it this is not a diet for me -- it's my way of life -- and if no one likes how i eat or how i look -- well that's on them -- i'm comfortable with ME -- i had this surgery for ME -- and every day i make choices -- i choose to eat protein first -- i choose to keep my butt out of burger king -- i choose not to fill up on carbs -- i make good choices for myself today -- can the weight come back -- YUP as soon as i start to make really stupid choices -- besides buying those stupid little evil wheat thins well i should say -- make stupid choices on a regular basis -- i've had candy -- i've had mashed potatoes -- i've had cake and cookies -- but not like before the surgery -- i have to keep it real do you want the surgery? why do you want the surgery? how will the surgery give you a better way of life? are you willing to take vitamins everyday? are you willing to take the risk of getting sick if you eat too much? are you willing to take the risk of getting sick if you eat too fast? are you willing to take the risk of getting sick if you eat something that does not agree with your new intestinal set up? are you willing to say NO to foods you always liked? and are you willing to do this on a daily basis for as long as it takes to keep yourself healthy? i sort of apply the AA and NA way of life to my eating habits -- just for today.... and i keep it in today that i will live like this -- i don't look into tomorrow -- i might not be here - -i could be dead by then -- so i have to keep it in today good luck to you take care any questions just shout out to us -- we have all been there and we are all here roberta

Ross - Open RNY 5/22/06 - 373/194 - BCBS Horizon NJ
Roberta - Open RNY 11/22/06 - 228/126- Aetna QPOS
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