protein vs other stuff question
Jill brought up a good burrito in another thread, and people questioned her on the carbs, and that puzzles me, so here will be my question to end all questions.
What exactly are we looking for?
Dr Baptiste told me (well, actually Judi, his NUT did)
Low sugar and low fat, while high in protein. Thats all I was told to watch out for.
I know we need to eat healthy, and low sugar is good. Sugar alcohols cant be good, but a few havent hurt me. I generally try to stay below 5 or so Grams of sugar. But heres the thing.
What about carbs. Is there a ratio of carbs to protein that is acceptable, or is it a best guess thing. Different surgeons give different answers, and I have seen them all here, but I am wondering if anyone here has a specific rule they follow.
wow, I lost 150 Lbs. Thats impressive RNY works.
wow, I lost 150 Lbs. Thats impressive RNY works.
My doctor/nut did not tell me to count carbs. And I don't. numbers are supposed to be 70gm protein, less than 10gm of fat/serving, no more than 40gm fat/day, no more than 2gm of ADDED sugar.
I do eat some carbs - but mostly I don't have room for them, beyond natural ones (like in yogurt and milk and what not) I do buy lean pockets for a pinch meal - and eat the insides first and maybe 1/2 total of the crust - and saying half is being generous.
My specific rule is protein first, veggies next, and then added carbs if there's room
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

I'm a carb addict, and they DO still taste good. And that's one of the biggest reasons I limit myself. I could easily go out of control - they sit much nicer most times than protein (I could eat pretzels day in and day out I let myself.....) because of the slider factor.
Luckily (I guess) some carbs actually don't sit well - me and english muffins do NOT go well anymore. I've tried 1/2 of one 2 times....and I won't be revisiting that food any further. Don't really need it anyway!!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Starchy foods, like crackers, pretzels etc break down into mush and "slide" right through the pouch. they don't give a feeling saiety, which is why people can generally eat more of them. Also, because they slide right through and enter the intestines, the simple carbs are absorbed by the body as a sugar. Whole wheat products are better than white flour products, but it still has the same effect.
Oh, and on Drews take on sliders with White Castle...used to be a fav of mine. A few months back I stopped and picked some up for hubby - and the smell of them in the car made me nauscious! It was about 10 degrees and I drove home with the windows open, freezing both myself and the food! LOL
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

For breakfast I tend to have either a piece of wheat toast or 1/2 a bagel with butter.
Thats the most carbs I usually have.
ALthough last week one day for lunch I had one of those big salty pretzels. At least half of it anyway, and although it was good, I realized that it wasnt necessary, so I only ate the 1/2
My snack of choice now is peanuts and the sugar free popsicles I love those.
wow, I lost 150 Lbs. Thats impressive RNY works.
wow, I lost 150 Lbs. Thats impressive RNY works.
lol. for me, sliders are the white castles that are tasty but so bad.
They just opened a new one right by my house, and 2 times since then, I have gone and have had 1. Just 1, which is amazing. In the past I have eaten 30 at once. (Although only once, and that was a long night.)
wow, I lost 150 Lbs. Thats impressive RNY works.
wow, I lost 150 Lbs. Thats impressive RNY works.
My surgeon told me to avoid carbs that are not from veggies and fruit. I have dabbled in whole wheat products and noticed at 3 years out it did affect me: I was more hungry and needed snacks.
Each surgeon is different.
My rule is absolutely no sugar and no flour if possible. I'm at the 3 year mark when people seem to gain, and gain a lot.
Carby foods slide right through and prevent you from eating protein. Remember, protein first, then veggies, then carbs if you still have room.