15 months
good morning everyone
so i stepped on the scale on the morning of the 22nd -- and i gained a pound last month -- oh well it was bound to happen -- it won't get me down -- it won't dictate how i live this month -- i've had 14 months of losing and only 1 month of gain -- i'm still ahead of the game -- and i know i have already lost enough weight to keep me satisfied -- i'm not looking to lose or gain weight right now -- i'm looking to maintain -- and if i go 5 lbs in either direction then that's just fine with me -- i have already suceeded -- i suceeded in the first month when i lost weight -- just knowing that if i do the right things and pay attention to what i'm doing then i'll be ok -- i have never had a goal weight -- my surgeon has never had a goal weight for me -- so how could i possibly be a failure?? i can only be a sucess :****ep my plan simple -- if i don't buy it at the store then it's not in the house and then we can't eat it -- simple -- there is no pasta to cook up in a hurry -- there is no rice to cook in a hurry -- all foods that are just high in carbs and pack on the pounds -- i bought a loaf of bread one week -- put 2 slices into sandwich bags and froze it -- now if i want a grilled cheese i just pull out 2 slices instead of having a whole loaf sit on the counter and thinking i have to eat it all before it goes bad -- it's not going bad in the freezer and it's there when i really want it -- i buy fruit ****tail and fruit cups from wal-mart that are made with splenda and really cuts down on the sugars and calories -- ross likes the south beach diet cereal bars for snacks in work -- i find that those are the lowest in sugar and highest in protein -- i read the BACK of all labels and not the fronts -- alot of foods are naturally fat free -- but they advertise it on the label and people automatically think 'oh that's good for me' and in reality if you read the back it's not all the good -- i will admit that i am addicted to hard candy these days -- always always always have candy on me -- it's sugar free -- but it's still candy -- i never ate this much candy when i was fat lol and wheat thins -- those evil little things!! i eat too many -- they make me sick -- i feel like crap -- i go and buy more -- STUPID -- but sometimes ya just need something that makes a crunch noise -- i also buy those quaker little rice cake thingys -- the flavored ones -- 90 cals a package -- about 8 sugars
i have not had any complications or concerns about this surgery
i had surgery on 11/22/06
home on 11/24/06
driving on 11/27/06
back to work on 12/18/06 to a physical job
and i never looked back
i will never complain about WLS - -i CHOSE to have this surgery -- i WANTED this surgery
shopping for clothes that fit is a pain in the butt at times -- i do not want ANGEL written across my butt -- i want plain jeans -- something simple -- no glitter or designs -- i'm not 16 anymore
i try very hard to respond to everyone that sends me a msg -- right now my schedule is tight -- i work 7 days or nights a week -- go to school 3 days a week -- go to school 1 night a week -- but i will get back to you
i chose to wear sweat pants today -- it's not a thing i have to do anymore -- it is now a choice -- well actually ross has to do laundry and my favorite jeans are dirty
i actually read a menu in a restaurant now -- i pay attention to what comes with my plate -- i do not get the salad anymore -- we do not get the bread on the table -- and we ask for 'to go' boxes right away -- that way we don't sit there and pick while we are talking - -and try to say you dont' want anything to drink -- you just get strange little looks -- and no i dont' wan****er either -- i said 'no thank you' now go get my food!!
i do not drink with my meals or for a half hour after my meals - -sometimes longer if i eat alot -- there just isnt' any room for liquids sometimes
i drink at least 64 oz a day -- probably more than 115 oz a day -- 1 50oz bottle during school and 1 64oz bottle during work -- and then just glasses of iced tea when i'm home -- plus my shake in the morning is 15 oz -- i'll pace myself -- school is 8 hours long so i have 50oz in that time frame -- then i go to work after and that is 5 hours every night and i'll drink 64oz of iced tea in work -- i also keep this simple -- if i drink enough then i will not be dehydrated -- dehydration is painful -- you don't want to be dehydrated -- caffiene will dehydrate you -- this is why after a night of drinking alcohol you are sooooo thirsty the next day --the caffiene in the alcohol is dehydrating you --
i take my vitamins every day -- every single day -- no excuses -- they are in individual containers already out for me every morning -- i carry them around with me until we get something to drink and take them right away -- even before getting dressed -- first things first -- vitamins are important
exercise -- right now i don't have time for structured exercise -- but i walk the dogs every morning -- about 15 minutes -- i lug around about 40 lbs of books 3 times a week -- and i sit on my butt in work
and that's about how i live my life right now --i'd rather stop at Wawa and get a fruit cup than go to Burger King for a bacon double cheeseburger plain -- and yes, sometimes i miss burger king -- but i know where i got with burger king -- right over to PA hospital in Philly for WLS
if you are newly out of surgery or just contemplating surgery -- listen to your surgical team -- follow their directions and advice first -- they have your medical records and know what path you should be taking -- don't rush into solid foods -- this is major surgery and your stomach needs to heal -- it's going to take a little while for those stitches to heal inside of you -- people tend to forget that because they can't see those wounds and stitches and staples -- but they are there
there is no way around the insurance requirements -- just do the 6 month diet or whatever and get it out of the way -- don't waste anymore time trying to get around the system -- you have to play their little game in order to get them on your side -- and also don't get testing done unless your own surgeon asks for it -- each surgeon wants different tests done -- dont' waste time and money just cuz someone else had to have a certain test done -- and some tests have to be done within a certain time frame -- please listen to your own surgical team -- don't buy stuff off the web just cuz everyone else does -- the money could add up quickly -- go to support groups and maybe someone there is passing around something they bought and found out they don't like it -- now you can get it for free -- go to the vitamin stores or the GNC stores and ask them for free samples also -- i got some samples from my local GNC store before i had surgery -- i also got free samples from our nutritionist -- ask around before you spend a bundle of money -- always do what works best for you -- not someone else -- we are all individuals
good luck to everyone
take care
off to work now

Ross - Open RNY 5/22/06 - 373/194 - BCBS Horizon NJ
Roberta - Open RNY 11/22/06 - 228/126- Aetna QPOS
Let someone know that you are thinking of them
Hi Roberta,
You have been an Inspiration to me, and everyone on this board. I have followed all your posts since I have become a member. You have done an excellent job!!! Maintaining is the hardest job, and if are doing that, then you should be really proud of yourself. I hope for continued success on your journey!!!!