4 Days Post Op...OMG!
Hi all, not much into sitting here to stay for awile and read.. Am miserable, thought it would go easier.... nausea beyond words in hospital, had to stay longer and beg to be released, thought I was gonna have a nervous breakdown with all the noise and needles.... I am very sensitive.... am taking the liquid pain med but, once it wears off boy, do i know.. am trying to get down liquids as best I can , waiting for some relief 1st...Trying to rest laying down and get up and walk in between, gassy..Suggestions? all my best to everyone ..
i hear ya!! i'm only 18 days post-op and believe me the magic day is DAY 7. Every day will be better, i was told this when i was 4-5 days post-op and i didn't believe but it is true.
GAS-X works really good. I also just sat on the toilet and pu**** out, i know it sound weird but i was gas-free with in a week. Gas is very painful and i know that you will do anything.
Walk a little, drink alot and day 7 will be your day.
take care,
Hang in there, everyone is right - it does get better. I did use the gas-x chewables as my surgeon told me I could.
Day 7 was the magic number for me, too. Granted, I still had a bit of pain, but felt soooo much better it was unbelievable. Also the same day I got to start full liquids - and I was never happier with a yogurt in all my life!
These days will be far outnumbered by the number of GREAT days you have.
Remember to walk walk walk, it really does help.