Just 5 days post-op ....
Welcome to your roller coaster ride. You are normal. I felt HORRIBLE day 6. I was nauscious, I had horrible stinky diarrhea, my A$$ hurt from so much diarrhea....I didn't want to drink....I couldn't get off the couch....blech blech blech.
IT GETS BETTER. Keep working on the sipping thing. It's so hard in the beginning - but you will get better at it. Experiment with different things. Water. Water with lemon. Water with lemon and splenda. Water with crystal lite (hint - only use a little and work your way up, the flavor can be to intense right after surgery) One of my friends actually DRANK sf jello when it was still in liquid form because it's the only thing she could stand. Experiment with different temps of your liquids. Most people find that warm is better than cold early out. I found warm peppermint tea to work wonders on nausea (that was a tip from a nurse) or sucking on a sf ice pop helped.
Once I got to full liquids, I noticed a HUGE difference. I had texture, I felt like I was doing something and making progress. The pain subsided, the nausea came and went (ok, more coming than going but still)
GET UP AND WALK. Even if you don't want to. Go out to your front porch or mail box or something every 1/2 hour or so. It's decent weather out today - the sun will help you and so will the movement. Walk a little further each time. Or at least put on a jacket and sit outside.
Hang in there and know it does get better MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER. Your energy will return. You will find things to be happy about. There is a mourning process with this - and you have to confront how much you may have been addicted to food. It's a scary thing to do and very sad saying "goodbye" to your old life style now that it's "to late" But your new lifestyle will go leap and bounds beyond your old one.
Signature: When you are on the message board, on the left hand side of the screen you will see "USER SETTINGS " Click on that. You can find your signature area there. Don't forget to click in the box that says something about putting your signature on every post, and then down at the very bottom, click "save" or whatever it says.
Best of luck.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

I was feeling really crappy when I came home also. One thing is for sure it does get better as time passes. You just had surgery think of what your body went through. Now my advise to you is to not worry about eating any food right now, just liquids, sip, sip, sip. Your body and your new stomach need to heal, so take it slow, that's what I did, I didn't eat anything but Jello, or pudding after my 2nd week, and continued that, and chicken broth well into my 3rd and 4th week. My surgeon said take your time introducing food into your stomach so it will heal.
After my 4th and 5th week I started eating soft foods, and continued that for about a month, until about 2 months after my surgery, I was able to chew food again. I know it's hard to stay a way from the foods we love, but that is why we had the surgery so we can change our eating habits, Just take one day at a time, and as you loose the weight you will feel really good about what you are doing. Good luck and Congratulations on coming over to the losers bench!!!! I will be praying for continued success on your Journey!!!!
I second all Pam said.Remeber we are basically ending a very long love affair with all those fattening unhealthy foods we love so much.You'll be surprised how much better you feel as the days go by & the scale goes down.Plus I need people to look fantasy with me lol.I still love that typo
It made my day when you wrote that.Feel better & remember you are on your way to a new you,HUGS!

ill just say ditto to what everyone else has said so far.
by the end of a few weeks you will be well on your way. just take one day at a time.
sip sip sip on tha****er, and do what your surgeon or NUT have told u to do.
walk when u can, it really helps.
not to depress you, but i was nauseous for a long time in the beginning. i felt the way you are describing, but as the weight comes off, you will start to feel better for sure. dont rush the food thing, the most important thing is to stay hydrated. (sometimes i would suck on a sugar free mint for just a few minutes and spit it out, that helped a bit)
find a protein drink you can tolerate and sip on that too. i used unjury in the beginning, it mixed in milk or some like water, with just a spoon and it was not icky at all.
i got my ticker from tickerfactory.com but thats all i know how to do, dont know how to do other stuff.
maybe ask on the main board, lots of ppl. there who know that kind of stuff.
hugs and continued success, jacki
I too had my surgery on Monday and am home, feeling kinda lousy. Today was a little better then the other days though. I actually have hope! I even said to my husband, was this really worth it. I know the answer but I was so uncomfortable that I had to ask. lol I would like to keep in touch with you to see how your making out as well (of course if you like) since we had our surgery the same day. Everyones posts have been helpful for me as well. THank you for your post (I don't feel so alone) and thanks to everyone for their advise (as I am going to use it as well)