I have clothes to give away...
I am in the Edison area and I have some size 24 summer clothes (Shorts/Skorts?)
and size 20-22 in pants.Some shirts and capris. Also a dress maybe two size 20, a dress jacket size 22. Let me know who wants them I am hoping to have them gone by this weekend..
Let me know what sizes and I will seperate them. I would like all the 20-22 to go together and the 24 to go to gether.. (MAkes it a little easier for me to separate)
Amy, Your ticker is not working. Go back and highlight the actual ticker and paste it into your signature. Don't paste the code- it doesn't work that way. If noone takes your clothes- that new thrift shop in South Plainfield (next to Shoppers World) Park & Oak Tree Rd. is a good place to donate the leftovers. I have size 20's I have not been able to pass on....just haven't gotten to bring them over there yet. Bernadette