Just Read:
http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2008/pdf/history/HB/HB0282. xml
I have no comment
Banded on November 10 2006
60 Days Pre Op 418
Day of Surgery 370
370 / 246 / 190
Pre / Now / Goal
I saw that a few days ago. I hope, for all the frivilous suits the ACLU files, that someone files suit against this. And, I hope that the citizens of Mississippi are smart enough to get these three Senators unseated. I get so tired of this group and that group feeling discriminated against. Why is it okay to discriminate against the obese? Because we're considered a joke. I thought the laws restricting who can and can't be served in restaurants were abolished, oh, about 50 years ago? This just has me FURIOUS.
I am FIRM believer in freedom of choice, as well as consequence. I CHOSE to eat what I did both at my home and in restaurants. It was not RESTAURANTS force that made me become obese. And to not serve people? C'mon now. I highly doubt this will go any further than this, and it would absolutely be discriminatory so there fore, in my humble opinion, doesn't stand a chance.
That being said,
People are stuipd.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

How crazy is that?
Maybe the government should start using our tax dollars for something "silly" like feeding and housing the people in the US that are starving.... or maybe get medication to the elderly that can't afford them....
Oh I know the list goes on & on so I won't get to nuts here.
I'm waiting to see a surcharge on our insurance premiums if we are overweight - it's already happening with smokers. My company's insurance premiums charge an additional $600 a year to anyone who smokes. Will people EVER take responsibility for themselves?
My life insurance policy was pro rated due to morbid obesity before surgery. I actually dropped the company shortly there after due to problems I was having with them. It was something like $10 a month.....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.