Reminder - Toms River OCWLS Mtg is also a Holiday Party!
Hi guys -- just a reminder that next Friday, December 7th will be the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Toms River OCWLS group -- 7pm at Community Medical Center, Auditorium A.
Also, it will be our third annual December WLS-Friendly Holiday Party! All those that are coming, please feel free to bring your spouse, significant other, or important support person with you. Additionally, everyone should bring a WLS-friendly food, beverage or snack. We will set up a buffet at the back of the room so plan accordingly.
Note that there is NO NEED to bring enough for everyone -- just enough that a "taste" can be had.
OK - whose coming, and what are you bringing (just so not everyone brings cheese sticks) -- LOL
Hugs and Happy Holidays.
P.S. If anyone needs any additional info, please feel free to contact me directly.

Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11