Rambling (Copied from Jan. 06 Board)
Hello all,
I wanted to update you all on my life such as it is.
My kids and I leave for camp in one week, so we are running around getting batteries for flashlights, finding our sunglasses and packing for a month in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Hectic but worth every hair I pull out of my head.
I went back to the liver specialist last Monday. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY HE WAS!! I saw him back in late April, gave him my lab work to date then and chatted with him about PBC and why (or not) I might have it. He drew his own blood work and asked me to get my liver biopsy slided and MRI films for him. I had them to him before May first. I REPEAT, I GOT HIM THE SLIDES AND FILMS BY MAY FIRST. I made a follow-up appointment with him to get his impressions of the biopsy, his lab results and a definitive diagnosis. That was the appt. I had on Monday. WELL, HE NEVER LOOKED AT THE SLIDES OR FILMS!! THEY SAT ON HIS DESK FOR 2 MONTHS.
I asked him to look at them then and there (since I had made the hour trip to his office) and he refused. He said he had to do that with the hospital pathologist. I asked why he didn't do it in the last 8 weeks, he said he hadn't had the time. I asked what was the point of my going to see him for this visit. He said, "There is always a point in coming to see me." He is so lucky I didn't eviscerate him then and there.
Instead I had him give me back my slides and films, copy my blood work results for me, and left.
I'm still very upset over that.
My family is going to see HP5 tomorrow morning, I'm looking forward to that. My friends took me out on Thursday for an early birthday lunch and another friend is doing the same next Thursday. I turn 46 on Friday the 20th.
Well, that's enough rambling from me for now. There's more to the story but I'll get to it another time. My typing is beginning to suffer.