About 2 weeks ago, I had a tiny twinge of pain, or more, discomfort rather than pain, on my left side, below my breast, toward the middle of my belly. It came and went, it was sporadic. Now I've noticed an increase in discomfort, more chronic; not at all debilitating, just there, enough to start getting me scared. Sometimes it's almost like a burning feeling in there. Can't quite describe it.
I've read posts where my symptoms mimic a hernia (never imagined where a hernia would be, just assumed it would be near where my incision is); and other symptoms suggest pancreatitis; I diagnosed myself and thought can't be gall bladder, because gall bladder is on your right, right?
I don't know; I"m just getting scared. I don't want to have to go back to the hospital!
I'm going to call both my surgeon and pcp tomorrow morning; and hopefully they can see me and put my mind at ease.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I kept thinking, oh, i'm 8 months out, I'm in the clear..... everything was going so well....
You really should call your doctor. When my gall bladder went, I had the same symptoms - mild to moderate discomfort that would come and go, then wham! - full blown attack! I had pain basically in the middle of my stomach, above my navel. What ever it is, please don't wait. Call your doctor ASAP and get in to see him.
Best of luck to you!!
first advice is call your doc.
second i think gall bladder and pancreas are on right side.
third, i had some pulling and pinching kind of sporadic pain on my left side starting around 5 months, it turned out to be scar tissue issues and has gone away. it would bother me when i exercised.
so dont panic, but for sure call your doc.
good luck, jacki
hey there
could be gallbladder -- why didn't you gove me other options like that in the email?? lol
a gazillion years ago when my gallbladder went it felt like a heart attack -- it was right at the top of my stomach almost in my chest -- made breathing difficult -- radiated around to my back -- it was horrible!! but call dr k and see what they say --
love ya
Ross - Open RNY 5/22/06 - 373/194 - BCBS Horizon NJ
Roberta - Open RNY 11/22/06 - 228/126- Aetna QPOS
Let someone know that you are thinking of them
i have been having the same thing i think, 6 wks. post op, open rny. just to the left side of the incision all of a sudden last thurs nite a very small spot i can pinpoint where it is ,,,,,just a burny- pulling feeling, nothing i cant live with but still worry,, going to surgeon on tuesday will see what he says, first thing i thought was a hernia but i have been wearing my binder and have not done anything i should not have been doing.