Hello Friends~
I have a question about blood pressure. I have always had low blood pressure, but have been feeling a little extra "dizzy and disoriented" lately. I usually just feel light headed when I get up from sitting down, but the past few days I feel that very often. I knew something was up with my blood pressure. I took my daughter to the pediatrician yesterday and I asked the nurse to take my BP while I was there. She did, it was 80/60. I don't know what it usually is, but I think the bottom number is usually 70 or higher? The pediatrician made me promise to call my primary care when I got home and give him the numbers. The doctor will see me tomorrow, since I had to work today. The nurse told me not to drive and to sit home with my feet elevated.... I didn't get to do that, since I worked in New Brunswick today... but I am safe and home now, looking forward to resting, since I have no energy at all.
I have an appointment for 11:00am, but I am wondering if anyone else has suffered with this post surgery? Could it be from the gastric bypass (over 9 months ago now) or what might this be from? Any ideas? I just want a head's up before I see the doctor, so I know what to ask about. The pediatrician said maybe anemia? My chest also hurts, right below my throat, with pain going to my back sometimes? Maybe it's the hypothryoidism? I don't know..... but I know you all will have some good ideas :-)
Gastric Bypass-Dr. Trivedi
Aug. 31 2006
Ross - Open RNY 5/22/06 - 373/194 - BCBS Horizon NJ
Roberta - Open RNY 11/22/06 - 228/126- Aetna QPOS
Let someone know that you are thinking of them
Hello Friends~
Sorry it took me a while to get back here and give an update. I went to the doctors, my primary care, on last Thursday. First thing he did was an EKG, that was fine. My family has a very bad heart history, so he always checks that first, thank goodness. My blood pressure at the office was 112/68, much better than the previous day at 80/60. He did a tympanogram, to make sure there was excess pressure in my ears, they were clear. Lot's of bloodwork was also done at the office, that isn't back yet. It could be so many things causing this, just general unwell, tired, run down, dizzy feeling that I have been having for a while now. My thyoid isn't helping anything either. He upped my thyroid medicine by 50%, he thinks it has a lot to do with it, I do too. He also told me about the salt, he said to increase the use of salt and make it SEA SALT, which Dr. Oz recommends also, over regular table salt. So, I have been salting more than usual.
Mostly he stressed the importance of eating well and eating often. He really drove this point home, which I guess I needed. I enjoy the weight loss so much that sometimes I forget I need to eat.... and it doesn't really bother me, until I feel like crap. And I got a good dose of that. I am going to add sunflower seeds like Natalie did, and some salted peanuts, I love them anyway!
Thanks for your responses,
Gastric Bypass-Dr. Trivedi
Aug. 31 2006
hi michelle glad to hear you got a pretty good bill of health :) Roberta
Ross - Open RNY 5/22/06 - 373/194 - BCBS Horizon NJ
Roberta - Open RNY 11/22/06 - 228/126- Aetna QPOS
Let someone know that you are thinking of them