Be an Advocate for Yourself! A RANT
Just a reminder that we all need to be advocates for ourselves when it comes to our health care. Sometimes we have to educate our physicians about our special needs as a gastric bypass or lap band patient.
You should request a copy of all of your bloodwork and all tests.
You should send faxes to your doctor to document your questions.
You should never stay with a doctor that makes you feel uncomfortable or treats you rudely.
Ask for tests, do not wait for a doctor to tell you to get them. Sometimes it can save your life.
It pains me to hear someone say, "I never see my doctor, because he's too busy." OR "My doctor doesn't call me back."
Doctors are providing a SERVICE, and you deserve to be treated with high regard and respect. You are just a file, number, paycheck and insurance payment to some doctors, which is OK, however, you should receive proper service for your payment.
Just my 2 cents.
well said angela
i am a person to my PCP, Liver Dr, and Surgeon -- i'm one of the lucky ones -- and i always get copies -- just in case
when i was going thru my Hep treatments i could always count on my liver doc or reg doc to call me back that same day -- even if it was 10pm -- it was always that same day -- and it was the DR not a nurse or whatever -- and they always answered my stupid little questions and concerns
definitely one of the lucky ones
if YOU do not advocate for yourself then no one else can