Last week as a fat person
Hi everyone! Everything is ready for my surgery, next Tuesday. Everything except me, that is. I did have a nervous breakdown of sorts the other night, and almost called off my bypass. I'm suffering from "paralytic fear", which is when you obviously become paralyzed by fear. I almost threw up, I was so worked up. But I seem to be ok now. I just keep telling myself that I have to have this surgery for my son, and that's that. No other options. And I had a long talk with my mom, who had open bypass 3 years ago, and she said that she'd never ugre me to have surgery if she thought something would happen to me. That made me feel better - it's amazing how a mom's words of wisdom help. Tonight I'm going to start taking my spring clothes out (I have sizes from 22-12), and put them in size order in my closet. That way I have something to look forward to, and to take my mind off the surgery. I've ordered my Vista Vitamins, and have gone over the route to Hackensack with my hubby numerous times.
Dare I say that a small part of me is actually excited now?