The Filter and patients of Dr Nusbaum's
Hi everyone...I was wondering if Dr. N directed you to have a filter inserted into your vena cava before surgery in case of a blood clot. I was told he'd like this for me and told that I'd be getting a local anesthetic in the "groin" area. I come home tonight (procedure is tomorrow) to hear the hospital and the anesthesiologist have called's going to be a general anesthesia !?!? I was planning to drive myself there and back. I'm really ticked that I didn't know this and am not prepared to ask my husband to take yet another day off from work. I have to be there at 5:45am and I've gotta find a cab company willing to take me. Any advice? Thoughts? How was the procedure for you?
Thank you....It really helps knowing I can come to you guys for support.
Hi Sadie,
I had an IVC filter put in before my surgery by Dr. Nusbaum. Its not really general anesthesia but "conscious sedation". You still won't be able to drive yourself home though. No pain after the procedure. You just have to lie flat for a couple of hours before they let you get up. They thread the filter up through your femoral artery so they have to watch the site to make sure there's no bleeding afterward. Once you're discharged you go home and act normal. No special precautions to take. You will have to have the filter removed about 6 weeks after your surgery.
The filter can be a great precaution. Not all surgeons use them. The surgeon I work for does not. My primary care would not clear me for my surgery unless I got a filter. He stated that anyone with a BMI over 50 needed one. My BMI was 51 so if wanted the surgery I had to have the filter. It was no big deal and it did give me extra peace of mind. The only part I minded was having it taken out 6 weeks later. I was back to work and feeling great and it was a pain the *ss to have to take another day off to go have it removed.
Good luck to you. You have a wonderful doc in Dr. Nusbaum. I'm sure you'll do great.
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