Dating and WLS
I've just started on this journey, so dating isn't a concern for me yet
I do, however, understand your feelings. But I have to ask you this.... are you TELLING them right off the bat that you had WLS? I'm not shy about telling people about my business, but I would think that that is something I would save until the relationship develops a bit more... perhaps then, when they know YOU, the WLS won't be an issue.
I do understand, though, because I had a guy about a month ago "disappear" after telling him I was planning the surgery. Funny, just before that he was telling me how "brutally honest" he was, but his "I'm tired, I'll talk to you tomorrow" and never following through was his way of "being honest" with me!
Anyway, I digress. I just think that some topics don't have to be brought up right away
..and now for a completely different reply..
Give him time and the same understanding you want in return.
We (WLS folks) tend to be a selfish lot when it comes to the ammount of support we think we deserve.
We also tend to forget that we get real excited about this stuff and want to talk about it far more then they do.
..on the flip side, he could just be a big dork too
That is crazy, I agree with everyone get rid of that guy it is obvious this guy is jealous of you, find someone that will support you and encourage you.
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