hungry after lap band
Hello Rosa, I went through the Lap Band procedure..and I had the went through the hunger pains...I think it is alot of head hunger...since I was on the liquid phase, I kept on filling up on water, sugar free popcycles and soup etc....most importantly if he is still on the liquid phase, make sure he stays on it and does not eat and solids, since everything inside is still healing..Dave
No, he should not be that Hungry a Week out (as a rule) from the Lapband.
I was not hungry for a least 2-3 weeks and then it did come back full force.
May I ask how old is your Son---you do not look old enough to have any children.
One of the things with the lap band is Maturity- You have to have Maturity in your eating habits or you will fail. I usually recommend anyone investigating this surgery to go a day without food and recognize what TRUE HUNGER is. Pain vs. Head Hunger vs real hunger can be very confusing.
Thanks for the reply, my son is 26 and was weighing in at 367 and was getting depressed, he keeps telling me he is hungry, but I just think he was so used to eating so much , he loves his good food and beer.. It was a shock not to eat for a week ...But 2moro is a week on liquids so he gets to start on cottage cheese and yogart and protien drinks, he is excited..Good luck to all...