severly anemic
Hello everyone
You guys know from my last post I've officially became a member of the century club!!! So I went to my surgeon for my check up last week and she wrote my letter of necessity for my tummy tuck and also gave me a script to give my PCP of the blood work she wanted done consisting of iron,vitamins etc...I went to my PCP on monday and he also checked me and wrote a letter of recommendation for my tummy tuck and then he took 3 vials of blood to check the levels...I have my plastic consultation on 2/5/07 and this surgeon goes through insurance as long as you have the necessary letters from surgeon and PCP...Well anyway my labs came back and the Dr himself called me at work and wanted me to come to his office immediately it's only downstairs I work at UMDNJ...I went and my blood level(hemocrit) was 6.5 severly anemic. my calicium level none I was 10% away from a blood transfusion which they wanted me to get anyway.....that explains why my body was aching sooo much some days I get up it seems as though I've been hit by a car or in a fight...I was taking aleve which always help but then I started feeling real tired and come from work sit on the couch at 6:pm and when I wake up it be 2:00 they gave me a shot and I had to get some IV fluids and another medication I had two IV bags emptied before they let me go..and now I"m on presription vitamins heavey doses of Iron especially so they will check my levels again in two weeks and hopefully it will be okay...I will never again self diagnose myself again....always take your vitamins guys I had to remember I eat much less now !!!!! But I'm still going to my Plastic consultation on MOnday (LOL)

glad everything worked out Joanne!!
i've been severely anemic in the past due to medical treatments -- any talk of them trying Procrit with you?? it helps build up the red blood cells
dehydration will also make ya feel like ya got hit by a truck and give you severe muscle aches
good luck with your plastics doc!!
take care