I'm so frustrated!!!!!!
I know so many of you have been all through this, but I had my consult with Dr. Nusbaum on December 18th, had all of my consults and got the required documentation and the paperwork finally went in about two weeks ago to my insurance. Now they want a letter documenting my medical management of obesity for five years - as I changed to my current PCP last February. Why didn't they tell me back in December that a letter from my prior doc would be helpful/reqiured etc. I could have requested it two months ago! I have a narrow window in which I'm trying to have this procedure due to workload and time is running out. It's so hard to get yourself mentally ready for this process and then to get geared up and make preparations and have to wait and wait.....I know...hang in there......I'm being stupid. Susan
Susan - I am right there with you. CIGNA pushed me right past my window of best timing, but you know what? I'm hanging in there for as long as it takes. I know I've chosen the right path for me, and I know that my insurance covers this surgery. All I have to do is keep trying to get approval, and eventually it will work itself out. It will work itself out for you, too.
At least you're using Dr. Nusbaum; he may have the nicest office staff known to man.
I am sorry to hear of your detours. Contact all the physcians and get your medical history related to weight loss/gain from any physcians you have seen from gyno to general see if they will write letters, and get copies of your medical history, get it over to your Ins and follow up with phone calls fromyou and your surgeons office....Don't give up!
Remember the wheel that squeaks the most gets the oil....So start making some noise as soon as you get them your info.
Good Luck !
I am sorry to hear of your detours. Contact all the physcians and get your medical history related to weight loss/gain from any physcians you have seen from gyno to general see if they will write letters, and get copies of your medical history, get it over to your Ins and follow up with phone calls fromyou and your surgeons office....Don't give up!
Remember the wheel that squeaks the most gets the oil....So start making some noise as soon as you get them your info.
Good Luck !
calm down and heres what to do
you write the letter
list all the diets you tried with approx dates and how u did
list any doctore u consulted along the way
detail any co-morbidities you have that make the surgery necessary
mention what if anything your prior doc did to help you
and then ask the new doc to sign it saying that this is the information you brought to her when u transferred to her care along with your records, blah blah
i think that should work
good luck, jacki
hi susan
i'm a believer that everything happens for a reason
i was approved in june
was going thru other medical treatments that delayed surgery
got an october date
2 weeks before i found out i was still anemic from the medical treatments and they wouldn't do surgery
changed my date to 11/22 -- the day before thanksgiving
but i went with the flow of things and found out that everything worked out for the best
do what Jacki suggested and write your own letter about what diets you have tried -- if you went to a gym -- if you went to weigh****chers or other places like that -- if you bought over-the-counter weight loss pills -- sit down nice and quiet and think
good luck to you

Hi Susan
Your not alone... I went through three years of hell until I could find a surgeon.. and then an additional year to learn the ropes.. documenting diets... tests.... exams... sleep tests....psych exam....
Trust me its worth the wait. I can feel your pain... been there.. its NOT fun. Hang in there... and learn all you can... post here a lot... ask lots of questions.... and attend a support group if you can... NOW.. before surgery... and get ** plugged in **...
The more you learn NOW will allow you to better prepare and the better you will do through your surgery and after.. and the more successful you will be.
We will keep you in our prayers in your journey.. remember your not alone.
God bless and keep you
Timmy Ray