Has anyone moved a certain way, and boom! I have got a "charlie horse"
just like one in you lower calf, but it is in my stomach. It hurt so
bad, I just stayed still and tried to breath in and out slowly, and rubbed
it waiting for it to go away. Is this common, or is it something
I should be concerned about? It has happen to me about 4 or 5 times
in the last 3 months.
Just wondering????
bridget k.
Hey Bridget!!
I had that a few times, I think it was went away. But you might want to mention it to the doc. BUT.....I wanted to mention this.....when they wheeled me into my room after surgery....i was "crunching" my stomach. You know, like doing stomach crunches! It was totally was so bizarre. It didn't hurt, but it was strange. I don't know if it was from them cutting the muscles. Or, maybe I am just a weirdo...LOL!!!
So nice to hear from you my friend. I hope you are well. How is
it going with the weight? What aree you up to?
Was this after surgery that this happen to you?
Or on the way in?
Talk tomorrow, we have support group, but might be bad weather.
Barbara their is a new girl on here, and they just gave her a quikc
date. Feb. 5th.
She needs to know what things she should have in he her house.
As far as protein drinks. What clear liquieds she should have.
What is the best protein drinks. Just go on my profi,le and
you will see her ruth l. Just click on it and get her profle
tell her bridget told you to write some ideas for her.
She will love you for it. I gotto get to bed, very tired,
c an't type anymore. All mistakes.
Love ya bridge