I have gone in on the directions, but when I do that, I never see
the message in the top right hand of the page that says.
\"I've got a date". I would like my date posted on my profile.
I don't know how to get it there. My date is "feb 12, 2007" for
lapband surgery with "dr. Adam goldstein" can anyone
help with that, or put it on for me.
Thanks guys!!!!!!!!
Bridget k. "nobetterwomen"
Hey Bridget!!!
Make sure you put it on the 'future surgery dates' pages too...Go to the people forum, upcoming surgery dates and then go from there. If you scroll down, you'll see mine already there.
Hope you had a nice're going to group on Thursday, right? I"m doing the nutrition part too at 7...

yes, I'm going at the 7:00pm one also. I will be there, save me a
seat if you get there first, and I will do the same for you.
Now I have a good idea, will you be able to put my date in that space
for me, being you know how to do it? Also when I post my
dr name is not one it like others? Can you make that happen too!
It's good to have a friend that knows how to use the computer.
Let me know. If you can't I will call my 15yr old, to help.
See you there dawn.
I am using Dr. Goldstein as well. New to this forum, trying to figure out how to put my picture up.
Question for you- how long did it take to get the date? I am so frustrated, I went into his office Jan 12th and signed all paperwork and I still do not have a date.
Jan 18th I called and the person told me I should have a date by today. Just called a few minutes ago and they said they would have to call me back tomorrow!!!????
Hi! Ruth
welcome to the oh site. You will learn alot here. I went to
Dr. Goldstein "first visit" oct. Did all the stuff I had to do.
Than they sent it in to ins. Had an approveal in one day. Than she
made me an appt. The following week. Which was dec. 2nd I think.
Than I spoke to him about doing it in feb. Which they did not have a
schedule set for Dr. Yet. So I waited to be closer to feb. Than I called
the office mgr. Chris. I let her know, that Dr. Goldstein told me to
pick a date, that was good for me, and to let the office know.
Than I told her that I understood that it was too far off for the
doctor's to have there appt. Set. So I waited. So now I would like to
know that I have that date, and I would like it if you could check on it for me, and let me know. So she called me back about 10 days ago,
and mailed me my letter for work. They are a busy office. But if you
are not getting what you want. Call and ask for the voice mail of
chris "office mgr." she will call you back, and she will fix any problem
that you are having.
Have you been to "new beginnings"? Have you been to support night?
The picture thing. I did not do it. My 15yr old son did it for me.
I can't wait to have before and after pictures. You have to find someone that is good with the computer. Or you can use the
contact us" icon, for this site, and they May be able to talk you through
it. If you go on your profile, it has a click on under your name that
says "updating your profile. That might give directions.
Welcome, let me know how you got started.
Talk soon
If you are having problems with the size of a photo to use as an avatar - try out
the directions are easy to follow and it will resize just about any photo to make it usable as an avatar.
You can add info to your profile by going to MY ACCOUNT, it will let you change dates and put in all kinds of details about the kind of surgery, the doctor, etc.