first post
Hi everybody, I've had my consult for RNY with Nusbaum at St. Barnabus, have had all the consults and it's now in the hands of my insurance co. I'm BMI of 40 with multiple co-morbidities so I'm fairly hopeful it will be quickly approved. I've been reading profiles and posts and fluctuate between being totally psyched to being totally terrified. In the couple of weeks leading up to the consult I was eating very well (strictly to control my diabetes) and it seems since the consults are all done, I want to eat everything in sight (I'm not giving in but it's been powerful) I know it's panic about how different life will be after surgery but I wi**** would go away. I'm hoping to have surgery before the end of the month. Any pointers on how to manage the period -pre-operative period would be welcome. Susan
Well, I may be biased (no - really?!) but Dr. Nusbaum is absolutely the best!
If I can answer any questions, please feel free to email me directly (that goes for anyone else on this board) - [email protected]
Good luck on your journey!
P~ - my story!

what can I say to you. Well let me tell you a story, before I had my surgery, before I was even 485 pounds, I suffered a malpractice, and was severly burned by a doctor. So when I was looking into the surgery I thought that I had to be crazy to go. After what happen to me I couldnt bear the thought of surgery. Needless to say at 485 pounds I needed to have it done. I search*****ctors over a years time. I finally found Dr Bertha. In the weeks and days leading up to the surgery I was terrified, but not as much as the day of. I couldnt stop thinking about the what if's. And you know what I mean. All I can say is that what finally put me at ease was this. At 485 pounds I was dead already. My eyes just weren't closed. I had no life, I was miserable. so very unhappy. I hated my self for what I did to myself. It was hard. Especially the first 3 months after surgery. But once I saw how much weight I was loosing, it got easier. I stayed with the program. It easy to stay with the program as long as you do it right from the beginning. Your life is going to change. DRAMATCALLY. In ways you cant imagine. Its a long hard road. But the first time you walk into a regular store, and buy something off a rack. You will know, how worth all of that work was. Trust me when I tell you NOTHING tastes as good as being thin feels. From 485 to 202 in 21 months. I can't even begin to tell you how great life is now. I didn't realize how much I was missing until I knew I was missing it. Keep your eyes on the prize my dear. I wish you the best of luck. I am sure you'll do well !