Toms River Group, Diner and McIntyre Crew
Hey everybody. It was so great to see everyone last night. The way all of us have transformed, and continue to, is truly a blessing and joy to witness.
I was so inspired, that even after going out last night, I got up this morning, bought tix for the Allman Brothers at the Beacon (which sold out in 12 minutes!), and then headed to the gym! This is my 2nd time back after a looonnng hiatus. I met with a trainer, and felt renewed with my new program...and whipped 2 hours later
He had me do 10 minutes on the bike, 30 on the treadmill at 3.7, cool down 10 min., and finally upper/lower body weight/cardio training for an hour. I feel great and ready for some retail therapy (shot out to Wendy)!
Again, good to hang last night. Look forward to the next one.

You too! I got my butt out of bed on Saturday morning, and met AJ and Deidre at the gym (a bit later than planned, but I got there!) and worked my ass off on the eliptical (30 minutes) and the stepper (20 minutes), did some ab work and some leg machines and felt renewed also. I wish I could go in the early morning more often rather than the evening after work. I felt so much better all day.
Good to see you Friday and hang and share!
Good for you girl! I wish I could go in the morning too. I just talked with my co-worker about the gym b/c she goes in the AM. They open at 6:30 am here at Brookdale, so figure I can at least get in my cardio, go home and shower, then head to work. This way not at the gym for 2 hours every night. Boy does it feel good to get back into the swing of raising the heart rate and sweatin' with purpose!
GIRL!!! (Ha!) Although we've already talked and emailed each other, let me just say that I had a great time with everyone on Friday night! That girl from Greenwich Mean Time was going off on that fiddle! Great music, good conversation (especially with Nannette!), a little dancing, and even better company is what really made the night fun.
Oh yeah, and following AJ from the diner to McIntyre's by taking the back roads and weaving in and out of residential neighborhoods for 10 minutes was an experience in itself...thank goodness all of us were starting off at the diner before that happened, as opposed to having a couple drinks and THEN heading out on our expedition...I would have gotten lost in our convoy and would have had to summon OnStar!!! (yes AJ, I'm being a wise ass!)
And hey Jenn, you don't have to ask me twice for some retail therapy...I'm there!
Beat you to the elliptical!

Hey Jenn -
Yeah, I had a very good time on Friday night. The meeting, the diner, and the bar... I was happy to be a part of all three. I'm very grateful to have made so many wonderful new friends through this whole WLS experience.
And, didn't I look like the Mack Daddy by arriving at McIntyre's with 4 beautiful ladies? (Well... 5, if you count Jerry!) The band certainly was a pleasant surprise as well - I really dig that celtic/folksy stuff.
So, the Allman's, eh? I've witnessed them, "Peakin' at the Beacon" 5 or 6 times (Unfortunately, I probably only remember 1 or 2 of those shows... for obvious reasons.) Although I know Derek Trucks is a great player, I'm not really sure If I can bring myself to see them without Dickey Betts (It's bad enough not having Duane Allman there for the last 30 years... I doubt I could deal with neither of them on stage)
Anyhoo... Of course, I was up and in the gym by 7 am the next morning and got in a kick-ass workout without feeling any lasting affects from the Gin & Tonic. Cool, only need 5 hours of sleep and I'm ready to go!
Thanks to everyone for the great company.
Be Well,
Hey AJ - I mean MACK DADDY!
As for Allman Bros - understand how you feel, but you are talking to a chick who only knew blues for the past 12 years, and only in the last few years have I chimed in on the Allman Bros. They have been on my "list" of artists to see before I die - or they die - and I was told by many, if you are going to see the Bros for the first time, make it a Beacon show.
Gary and I actually jammed/hung out (sort of) with Derek Trucks when we went on that blues cruise 2 years ago. He was there with his wife, Susan Tedeshi - and their newborn baby. They were so humble and great vibes from them.
As for sleep - five hours is all you need!!!!???? Wow. Now that's a plan I would like to be on. I need at least 8 - 10 hours to feel just 1/2 way decent. I thought that would change with the weight loss, but this chickie needs her beauty must be that the more gorgeous you are, the more sleep you need. Yes, that's it!
By the way, did you get my email with my photo - avatar needs help!