Any Bandsters in Ocean/Monmouth
Hi, nice to hear from you. I've been engrossed with the lapband forum all evening reading the juicy thread from Sandy. Did you see it?
Anyway yes, we are neighbors. I have been around for over 2 years on and off this board. To sum it up it has been a long journey thus far and I still have a long way to go. I don't know if its still on my profile (it was on the old format) but I had to have a second surgery 9 months after my original 12/04 and then August 05 to fix my port which had flipped. Then it took a couple of months to get to my "sweet spot" and finally started losing weight. So to date i've lost 80 or so pounds. Not bad I guess.
I've been hanging around on the board again to try to get motivated. I just got a fill yesterday. Had to schlep (sic) to Staten Island for a fill and really want to start losing again. I haven't lost much since the late summer. I was in a head on collission in September that landed me home with casts on my leg and arm for 8 weeks. So now I'm doing better and the holidays are over so I have to get motivated again.
Right now my 5 year old is trying to type with me so i got to run. Hope to hear from you.
How's it going for you so far???
Hi! Teresa
I'm a bandster! Did not have surgery yet. I don't live that close,
but I'm in south jersey, near cherry hill. Welcome. My surgery
is on feb. 12th. Their are a few of us getting done at that time.
So we call ourselves the valentine bandsters.
Now which juicy post are you talking about? Is it on the
lapband forum? What page, what is the heading?
Take care , and good luck
bridget k.
Hey bridget, I see you found the post. I just got home about 11 tonight so I've been catching up on all the drama. I have to admit I really am new to Sandy, but In the beginning when I was first banded I was always looking out for Nancy. I didn't mind her tone 'cause I felt (at that time) she was really the most educated on the topic. And I was trully starved for support.
I wish you the best of luck on your upcoming surgery. Let me know if I know help in any way.

Hi Bridget, I had my original surgery Dec 04. But really lost very little due to my flipped port. Once that was fixed in August 05 it was still slow going until April when it really kicked in. I finally had a good fill and had super restriction. I'm down 83 lbs as of today. I lost the bulk of it this past year. I would like to lose another 80. I just got another fill (I'm at 3.5 in my 4cc band) and Im very tight. Probably too tight since I'm having night reflux. It's not pretty. I'm going to give it a few more days and then I might have to go into Staten Island to my Doc to get some fill taken out. Otherwise, I need to start exercising again and drinking my water. And then I think I'm going start to kick some real butt. LOL
Let me know when you have a date for surgery.
Good luck.