I posted this on the main board too, but figured I'd share with my fellow Garden Staters.
It is official...I'm in shock. I got a call from my surgeon's office today. I have my pre-cert for surgery. I'm happy, but somewhat stunned. When the doctor's office called, I said, "Ok, that's great, did that happen because a couple weeks ago you called me and said I had to have the 6-month supervised diet". She said, that they called and asked for my primary doctor's name/number, that they called them, got some information and subsequently approved me. SO BIZARRE! A) because SOMETHING (don't know what) changed their mind about the 6-month diet and B) because the insurance company actually called to GET the information? (versus us sending to them). Although I highly doubt it, I'm wondering if it is the conversation I had with the woman in utilization where I whined because I explained that I undersood if that was their policy, but NO ONE would tell me that and so therefore, I rushed to get all my appointments (and there were a lot of them) done. So anywho, I go back to the doctor on the 17th of January to get my surgery date (which will probably be mid-February because of work 'stuff'). I could have gone in to see him earlier, but alas I will be out of state for a business meeting. So...seems my time is coming sooner than my mind had prepared itself for (after the 6-month notification) but around the time I originally thought (if that makes sense).
So...Happy New Year to me! I'm happy, but it doesn't seem real yet. It's kind of tough to get your mind around one thing only to have it change to something else and then change back to what you originally hoped for. SHEESH!
I'll let everyone know when I have an actual date.