surgery date is 1/22/07
Hello everyone
I have a surgery date of 1/22/07. It seems like it took me forever to get here. Now that the date is here, I am feel a little bit nervous, which is normal. Trying to get things down around the house and at work. Making lists and checking twice to make sure I do not forget anything. I will keep everyone posted as to my progress

Hi! Terry
Just wanted to say congrats!! I have a surgery date of Feb 12th. So I too will
be there soon. I'm with Dawn, on the fact that everything is so busy
that it will be here before we know it.
what part of New Jersey are you from? also, are you Lapband, or Gas/By.???
Good Luck, Oh! I am a Lapband, and from the Cherry Hill Area
Bridget k. "nobetterwomen"