My Wow moment, tomorrow is the last day I can eat anything I want for the rest of my life!
Ok wow, this is a serious milestone. I just got a wow moment. New Years Eve is the big day to eat anything I want to for the rest of my life.!!
New Years Day I start on the protien drinks medi fast diet with one lean and green meal for dinner. I will eat spinach, fish, turkey, chicken and maybe lean beef once or twice...for the next two weeks.
Then I should be having my GBS on Jan 15th.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Please remember me in your prayers.
Thank you,
Don't freak yourself out by telling yourself that you are giving up everything for life.
The fact is you will be able to have some things, but very occasionally. Like a super special occasion. It will not be the norm, a healthy menu will be the norm. You will also find that there is a lot of variety in your meals available to you, once you get about 6 months out from surgery. Best wishes for a quick recovery and uneventful surgery. Dusting off a seat on the losers bench for you.
good luck Cissy
i agree with Nanette -- don't think you can NEVER have anything -- you will be able to eat mostly anything after a certain amount of time -- i'll be 6 weeks out on wednesday and i can eat Shrimp, Spaghetti, Meat Sauce, Turkey, Ham, Mac & Cheese (homemade), Fruit Cups, Sausage, Meatballs, Hash Browns, Potatoes, there is a whole list of what i can eat so far -- Milk and Chicken still kill me tho
Mozz. Sticks are good to me
Wheat Thins...I'm still thinking here -- but you will be able to eat -- it's just a matter of how much and what choices to make
you will be fine
my son is up in boston for a visit right now and i asked him to bring me back some Pork Fried Rice and Lobster Sauce -- 2 things i can't get down here in Jersey the way i like it
and if it kills me then he can have it lol
take care
Happy New Year