Merry Christmas Everyone : )
merry christmas and happy new year to you too!!!!
what the hell are you doing in MAINE???????????? don't ya know it's cold there????? they only have 2 season ya know -- snow and mud -- oh and the 2 week tourist season which is the last week in july and first week of august -- other than that it's all snow, cold and mud when the snow melts
it is a beautiful state tho
really really pretty
and if ya go to Kittery Maine down on the ocean and the NH boarder they have some wonderful outlet shopping -- OH OH OH have you had a Maine Lobster yet??????? i MISS maine lobster sooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!! i thought that was the only kind of lobster in the world until i moved to jersey -- and i found out different -- and i ordered a lobster and i got this little itty bitty rinky dink little lobster tail -- and i just stared at my plate and looked at my husband and said 'what the hell is this??' i'll never ever order lobster in jersey again lol i wanted the claws and the legs and the body and the tail!! i wanted the whole dam thing!! and i prefer it baked and stuffed -- man there ain't nothing like a maine lobster -- with butter dripping off your elbows -- and a messy table with shell everywhere -- ok ok i'll stop now -- and clams!! they got real clams in maine too!! not this little clam strip crap -- they have real whole clams!! with belly's !!!! i miss seafood
well anyways -- have a great holiday
i miss ya here