Input requested
Hello all.
Due to life events I am currently in Maine.. but I will be returning to New Jersey the first week of January. This is kind of a strange question...
But does anyone know if they have homeless or emergency shelter available in the Ocean County/ Monmouth Area? Literally? If anyone has any ideas about cheap (make that inexpensive) housing on a temp basis.. or information... please email the timster?
[email protected]
I ask because... I am on several sub lists.. as a substitute teacher in New Jersey.... and I get phone calls here in Maine to sub teach in Jersey almost every day.
My - Wish... is to come to New Jersey for a week.. or two weeks.. and teach the heck out of the time Im there.... financially speaking I am awash with bills and would love to make some scheckles ... dinero... funds.... m-o-n-e-y.
What I am looking for is a place to toss my aero bed on the ground with an electrical outlet close by (as I still have sleep apnea and a CPAP that I sleep with). I am not looking for anything other than someplace to sleep .... I can shower at the health club...and eating can be protein drinks and protein consumables....
I BADLY need some my financial situation is dire. I have WORK that will generate income but need to have a way to sleep... I WILL wash dishes at the Salvation Army ( literally if needed) to get a place to stay... for the time Im in Jersey.
Any ideas? If you have a cousin/neighbor/friend/relative... with a spare basement even... I am just literally looking for someplace rock bottom simple. Im not proud or pompus.. just a redneck looking for a place to be while earning some sheckles.
Shelters.... heck I aint proud just poor : P
Lemme know if anyone has any ideas, information or a rich uncle that needs a two week house sitter : P
God bless everyone
Merry Christmas
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry you're having to go through this! I wish I knew someone in the area, but I don't know anyone down that way. I did find this - maybe it will help you track something down:
and this:
Emergency Shelter: Fort Monmouth Shelter, Eatontown: (732) 542-8264, (732) 775-5155
The Mercy Center: (732) 774-9397
Homeless Prevention: (732) 542-2991
and check Craigs List - I found this one:
$120 Room for rent in good area
Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2006-12-10, 8:19PM EST
I'm a 25yr old male. I have a 3 br home. This home is in a good area. Good parking. need a roomate cant afford this place. Must be very neat and clean as kitchen and bathroom, and living room are going to be common spaces. Get back to me @ [email protected] if interested.
richards ave google map yahoo map
Location: hammonton
wish i had a couch for ya but my son is on it -- if i had a house you could stay with us -- but we only have a little 1 bdrm apt with 11 birds, 2 cats and 1 son on the couch
i've been down that road before -- i know what it's like -- nothing wrong with being poor
it makes for a better person i think
did ya call the red cross or the united way?? i might start with the united way -- the salvation army is also a great idea
i'm not familiar with the toms river area -- what larger cities are in that area?? start by calling the larger cities
good luck to ya -- wish i could help