Happy Holidays
From 2 losers to a bunch of losers -- and wanna be losers!!
Just wanted to wish everyone the best of the holiday season!!
i've been back doing some killer overtime hours -- the money is always a good motivator
but next week i'll be home all week on holiday time (we shut down for the week with pay) don't give me dirty looks -- i just go with the flow of things there lol
the tree is up -- no lights no ornaments yet -- but the tree is there
it's a start
i miss coming here every day
i'm down 25 Lbs
Ross is down 138 Lbs
nice way to start the new year
now i just have to get my butt in gear and get to the gym!!!!!! ok, no Maury while i'm home next week, i have to get to the gym --someone else will have to listen to 'who the baby daddy' -- i'll go shopping tho!!
so i just want everyone to enjoy the holidays and we'll get back to stress after the 1st of the year
then it's the Super Bowl and then it's Spring Training!!!!
good luck to everyone who has an approval
good luck to everyone waiting on an approval
good luck to everyone on the losing side
and if you are looking for a Dr. i hope you find one that fits your needs and wants
if you need a good car salesman -- Burns Hyundai -- Rte 70 Marlton -- i'll pass his name along if you need lol he was the best person this past year lol
if anyone wants a 19 yr old son -- send me an e-mail -- he's potty trained
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Roberta & Ross

Hi Ross and Roberta!
Hey you guys I have missed ya ! I am fine.. a bit bruised and confused but hanging in there. I am in Maine, but returning to New Jersey for the Toms River meeting in early January.
I will be posting more but wanted to take a moment to wish both of you especially a very happy holiday, a Merry Christmas, and a joyful time over this holiday. Both of you have been very inspirational and encouraging to me, and I have appreciated your words of wisdom, humor and posts this past year more than I can say.
God bless you both... DAM-... its good to see you guys here and I promise I wont be such a stranger : ))
Hugs to you both
Your pal in weight loss
Timmy Ray