hello from new york
Hello Ila~
Welcome to the NJ Boards!
Merry Christmas and I am sure you will make lots of friends on the NJ boards, let me be the first on the list
Tell us a little about yourself. When was your surgery, what kind did you have, any tips or suggestions for us newbies? My surgery was in August of 2006, I am almost 4 months out and have lost 66 pounds. I need to eat better/more, that is my biggest struggle right now. I don't eat enough food at all, and I definitely need to get more protein in.
Michelle Brennan

i for got to add that i had the rny open i would say you do need the protain what work for me is to eat three meal a day about a cup of food per meal nut i do eat snack in beteen meal it may be fruit or veg or any surgeyfree the reason i have snack is i get light headed from what i see fom your profile you are doing good try not to be hard on yourself if you fell off track tomorrow is anew day that what i do you are right one day at a time hope i was able to help you i look forward to knowing you better Ila
Hiya Michelle Michelle : ))
Protein drinks... Beef Jerky.... Chili (chicken chili even : P ) peanut Butter... anything to get the protein in first and foremost. Milk .... yogurt.. I realized today that I eat like s...and really need to deal with it... enough Denial I say : P
My Getting stressed and depressed is no excuse anymore.. ha!!
Bah.. humbug !!
Some of my hair fell out Michelle... (like I can really afford for that to happen : P) So I am struggling with my protein intake too. Small meals... 5-7 times a day with at least 10-15 grams is my goal. I havent been taking *any* vitamins... so I been a bad.. bad.. puppy dog : (
Onward and upwards eh?
Be encouraged.... I grin at the thought that I actually met and knew you **before** you became the encouragement and NJ board posting **maChiNe that you are... you GO girl : ))
Hugs your hubby and kids for me... tell them all Happy Holidays and a Very Merry Christmas... and thank you for your efforts at the house.... Im not sure if we told you how much it was a lifesaver...
I really appreciate all your work that you put in to the estimate and such... and cant thank you enough for your help on that endeavor.
Thank you again so very much.
Hugs to you and your family Michelle..
Merry Christmas kiddo : )
Timmy Ray
Hey Timmy~
So good to see you are back on here!
It was so good to hear your voice today on the phone, and I apologize I didn't call you before you called me. I have been thinking about you for weeks, and never made the time to pick up the phone to call. Thanks for calling me, now I can tell people "I HAVE spoken with Timmy, and he is doing great!" You sound so much better than you did just a few weeks ago. I am thankful for that
Thanks for all the compliments, I consider it a blessing to be in your circle of friends, you have no idea how much you helped me through all my pre-surgery questions and concerns. I don't think I would have done half as well as I have if it weren't for all of our friends at Toms River and Lakewood group. They/you are all
sent from Heaven to help me through this process.
I will give Danny and the kids a Christmas hug from you! They wish you a Merry Christmas too. We are all sitting in the family room right now, devouring/discussing today's Asbury Park Press' (if you get really homesick and want to read the Press online you can go to APP.com and check it out) wrestling section. I don't know if we told you, but Daniel is one of the 2 freshman wrestling on the Brick VARSITY wrestling team this year, we are quite proud of his accomplishments. His record is 4-2 so far. He is doing very well, thanks be to God. I just want the season to end with no injuries for him. He had to lose 15 pounds after football season and will have to maintain 135 until Feb. 20. It's no fun watching him starve himself, but he will have to figure his way through it, just like the rest of us battling this weight game. He went from 11% body fat to 7.5%, I should be so lucky to ever see those numbers!
Maybe when you come back to NJ this winter you can come to a match with us all, we'd love that! I know how you love the sport! I will call you with details........dates and such.
Love to you!
Merry Christmas!
May your worries be few and your blessings be many.....
Michelle Brennan