Baby steps
It's been a long week. I finally got my windows put in and it was like a tiny little miracle...after 7 weeks with a cold, dark, depressing bedroom.
Now I can re-focus my energy on me and getting myself back into my 'skinny clothes'. I realize it's not much, but I finally pushed myself out the door and went for a walk. It was nice enough out that I felt comfortable without being too hot or too cold. The walk only lasted about 15 minutes (once around my complex. There's a circular road that runs in the middle for biking/walking) but at least I went.
Along the way I thought about how people have always advised me to find an exercise I like. I thought to myself....there is no exercise I like...that's why I don't do it. I'm lazy. So...I feel good about at least making an effort. I keep telling myself that I can only take life/eating/exercising one day at a time, and that if I let myself get overwhelmed by thinking of a lifetime of exercise...I'll never get out there and walk again.
Anyway...all that rambling was just to share that I went for a short walk today for the first time, knowing I have to do SOMETHING to help me re-lose the 20-25 libs I put on.
Just figured I'd share here on the boards. I'm also open to other people's exercise suggestions and advice.....especially from those people who hate to do it as much as I do.
hi sandi
i'm one of those people
we have a gym membership and i'm always telling ross to go -- well why haven't i gone??? but i can walk -- but walking around a lake right now is boring for me -- in the summer i can see the birds and such -- so the past 2 weeks i've been walking the malls in the area -- i've been walking the thrift stores and goodwill stores -- it's just something to look at -- and who says that it has to be 30 minutes of steady walking?? my thing is..walking is walking -- plus right now with the malls are decorated it's kinda nice -- makes ya forget all those other little thoughts that ramble around in the head
take care
I did think about mall walking. I figured today was nice enough to walk outside but that when the weather turns wintery I'd take refuge there. Funny story-today I went to Wal Mart and figured I'd park 'not too close' so I could get in a few extra steps (walking is walking as you said...anything I do now is more than I was doing before!)...problem is that when I came out of the store I was so used to looking for my car nearby that I couldn't find it! LOL. I hit the remote starter thinking it'd help me find it, but no dice. I roamed around for a few minutes before I finally tracked it down. On the BRIGHT side of things...not being able to find it added that many more steps
Thanks for the input!
Hi Sandi:
My husband and I finally cancelled our gym membership because we never go. It would kill me to see the gym membership fees withdrawn from our checking account every month- it was like throwing money away!!
I have been taking a jazz class at a local dance studio - I love it!! Aside from learning to dance, our instructor runs us through a great workout! We work on our flexibility, stomachs and butts! Since starting in September, I have noticed that I more flexible, and my butt is a little higher - LOL. Next year, I am also going to sign up for tap dancing lessons. I recommend dancing to anyone who hates to work out. Ever notice that dancers have the best bodies!!
My husband and I are now looking into Karate - we are going to start that after the Holidays. We are checking out a studio near our home. They offer Adult classes, four nights a week. Classes are unlimited, so you can go up to four times a week if you like. I think Karate will be a good workout - it is something that we can learn, and work at to perfect, and advance in. I will keep you updated on how Karate goes.
Good luck finding an exercise you enjoy!!
I thought about karate, too...kickboxing...something like that. Something where the focus is less on 'working out' and more on strength, etc. Please do let me know about how that goes...I thought about dance class, too...but I'm afraid of my two left feet! I also don't know what kind of dance would be best for me as I often have back and knee pain when I'm on my feet too long.
Flexibility sounds great! For me right now I'd settle on getting off the couch without making noises (UGH...OOF, etc. LOL).
Thanks for the suggestions!
Yeah, I hate exercise too! One thing that a friend told me and I'm passing along is that music helps! I find walking boring, but it's much more tolerable when i'm doing it alone if I have an mp3 player, ipod, or portable radio, book on tape - something talking or singing to me... helps pass the time!
I've found that having a goal is why I get to the gym.
Lots of folks excersise because they think they are supposed to and for no other reason. I know personally, that if I did that, I'd quit in a week.
I generally set my goals in 8 week stretches, and make them attainable. For example, adding 20lbs to my bench press is one for this stretch ..or adding 3lbs of lean mass with no fat gain.. things like that.
I find this keeps me motivated and moving.