December the 15th
I am so excited I go for my first consultaion with my doctor in egg harbor...wish me luck I am scared ...I also had a question I take pain meds for my back so will they use somthing stronger like" daluded"pain med for me ? I am so afaraid of being in pain I hate pain...I know I am a 46 year ole
Don't worry about the pain, it's really not that bad. I was suprised, really! I would say on a scale of 1-10, immediately after surgery (when they were giving me morphine every 3 hours by injection) it was about a 2, maybe a 3? It was never that bad. I got percocet to bring home, I never took one for the pain, I took one to help me sleep the first few nights... the pain was never that bad. I got a bottle of 30, I took 3 of them. It's not that bad. I am not a big fan of pain either!
Don't let the fear of the pain stop you. It's nothing.
Michelle Brennan