Protien Supplements
Hi All,
I am scheduled for surgery right after new year and am trying to figure out the whole protien shake thing. I am not sure what kinds to get. It will be difficult for me to make anything complicated at work and I also am not fond of artificial sweetener aftertastes. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Be forwarned not to buy a lot before surgery. You tastes change. What you like now you might not like later as well as it may not like you. I had several before surgery that were left from my hubby trials of what he liked and did not and none of them worked. My suggestion is to get samples of the different kinds. vitalady has them I believe along with some other places. I am a month out and have yet to find one that I do well with. I am going to try the designer whey. I have heard a lot of possitives about that one. As far as something that you can take to work I know that eas makes one that is ready made and you could just put in a fridge at work and drink. They are more $ when they are premade though. The advice to take a shaker to work with milk or water in it and mix it there was a great idea though.
Best of luck to you,
hi Adam
congrats on your surgery date
Ross had surgery 5/22/06 and we got a ton of samples then -- he also likes to spend money so we got some powdered mixes (he hated them) we got some EAS Advant Edge (walmart $5 for a pack of 4 ready to drink) those he liked
i had surgery on 11/22/06 and i'm drinking the EAS Advant Edge -- i can't find the aftertaste -- i tried the powdered mix but it made me sick -- i think there was too much air in it from shaking it up with the milk -- but after the first sip i knew it wasn't for me
you can go to a GNC store (find one that is franchise owned) and ask the owner for samples -- they have free samples all the time -- or try any other type of vitamin store
as for the price of the pre made shakes -- this is my theory -- if i have 2 shakes a day (morning & night) that is $2.50 per day -- how much was i spending a day in soda??? or coffee?? or getting lunch on the run while at work?? or grabbing a snack while working???
be careful and read packages -- there are protein drinks with a ton of sugar in them -- if you get the Slim Fast you have to get the low carb kind -- with the Advant Edge you get the Carb Control kind
good luck