goin' in next week
hey john
best of luck to you, soon you will join all of us on the losing side!!!
my best advice to you, is to follow your doctors instructions, and get in plenty of fluids and protein as directed.
other than that take one day at a time.
good luck and if you have specific questions, post them here, someone will answer.
holiday hugs, jacki
Hhhhmmmm advice...advice...advice...
Well, I'm sure I could think of a million things to suggest if given the time. I agree with my fellow poster follow dr's orders (and nutritionist's orders, too!).
Also, I know I (and many other pre-ops) stock up on items that we know we are 'allowed' to eat at some point and we have heard good things about. However, I think you should hold off on buying stuff for 'later' until it's...well....later. You'll hear it from many people & chances are you won't believe it until it happens to you, but I almost guarantee that what you like NOW will be different from what you like AFTER WLS.
I don't know why it happens, but for some reason many people's tastes change after surgery and flavors, textures they liked before are just
Well, I guess I'll leave my advice at that. There are plenty of intelligent, supportive people here, so I won't hog the advice spotlight.

good luck on your surgery
i also agree with Jacki and Sandi!! follow your surgeons orders to a T -- you will be fine
don't go crazy buying this protein shake and that protein powder and a gazillion cans of broth and Jell-o and puddings and everything else -- they will sit on the shelf and rot away with dust
if ya want i'll send ya a bunch of protein samples -- just drop me your address and i'll put them in the mail this week --
don't spend alot of money
don't plan a huge list of what to bring to the hospital -- just bring yourself and maybe some chap stick -- they will have everything else there for ya
take care