Tsorus, just kvetching
and for those of you who don't speak Yiddish, Troubles, just complaining.
I'm super busy these days. Work, holidays, birthdays, so getting to my excersize is becoming hard. Add to this my tendancy to "stress-eat" and my diet isn't good either.
My kids birthdays are today and tomorrow. They are 11 and 15, respectively.
My 10 month bloodwork came back with elevated Liver Function Tests. I had a MRI of my Liver last week which showed nothing. Now I need a Liver Biopsy. I'm waiting to hear from the hospital as for when this will be scheduled.
In addition I had an MRI done of my knee. I'm seeing the Ortho-doc on Wednesday to see what we need to do with those results.
I sent my Secret Pal a Holiday gift and outed myself.
I can't continue as a SP at this time. I'm feeling very unloved as I was assigned to someone who never send me anything. I did follow up with Jen about it and I was supposed to be reassigned, but I've still never gotten anything.
My weight is rather steady for now, which is a good thing. I'm just not comfortable being a normal size yet. I still feel Orca sized rather than the porpoise size I am. All I see in the mirror are the hanging skin, jiggly thighs and arms, wrinkles and thin hair.
Thanks for being a guest at my pity party,

hey robin,
nice party!!!
sorry about all your aggravation but take one day at a time.
i went thru the same with my liver about ten years ago now, elevated functions, biopsy, nothing ever was found. so good luck with that.
enjoy the kids birthdays.
my skin is hanging all over the place, looking in the mirror is scary, lol.
my knees were replaced two years ago, and one is still crappy, oi vey!!!
what to do, what to do.
hugsssssssss, and feel free to kvetch anytime, jacki
Hi Robin,
Just step back and take a deep breath. It is important that you take a few moments to yourself just to simply clear your mind. If it's not exercise, take a nice relaxing bath. While your weight has been steady, it's important to get back on track because as we all know, this won't last forever and we need to retrain our frame of mind when it comes to our choices in eating. I can totally understand as far as the hanging skin goes. My thighs look like cottage cheese that has gone bad and my arms can be used a jump rope.
Hi ..
I'm just catching up in my messageboard reading .. and had to take this quick moment to say that I couldn't help but notice the coincidence between how close your kids' and my kids' birthdays are .. although they're not the same age
My two girls' birthdays are November 30th and December 3rd ... - I had them on the same day of the week (Wednesday) - just two years apart from each other! They've just turned 20 and 18.
Take care and good luck with everything!