So I Got The Ball Rolling...
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/06 8:22 pm
on 12/3/06 8:22 pm
...went to a general seminar about 3 weeks ago, and just had my initial consultation on 12/1. The Doctor thinks I'm a perfect canidate, and so I have to go to see my Primary, a shrink, nutrictionist, etc, etc., and get all the other jazz I need before date can be set, not to mention the insurance BS to deal with, although the Dr. doesn't think it'll be a problem. It's like they say, Once Begun, Half Done. Once I hear anything, I'll post.....
good luck james
what surgeon did you choose?? if you have to pay for the Psych and Nut yourself try to wait until after your approved -- those documents are only good for a certain amount of time
jump thru the hoops and kiss ass and your approval should be very very easy
play the insurance game
take care