Getting a letter from your pc to give to your doctor.
Yes, 13 weeks already! It went fast for me too.
I am glad to see that you are doing well, I read all of your posts, and it looks like you are really doing great! So good to know, but I knew you would do well. Watching Ross go through the very same thing.... was that a help to you or did it make it harder? I often wonder if that is a good thing or not a good thing....... you know, curious minds kind of thing!
Take care~
drink, drink, drink
Michelle Brennan
Hi Michelle,
Yes, I am Brittany's Aunt. My husband is Brittany's father's twin. I read an earlier post from you and I also am from Wall. I graduated 1986. I grew up right down the street from Manasquan High School. Thank you, for the invite to tomorrow's meeting. I would love to come to a meeting with you. Although, I can't tomorrow night. We have dinner plans. Next Friday we are going to get our Christmas tree. How about the beginning of January. You can call me also my number is 785-9460. I need all the support I can get. LOL
I do have questions about the gastric bypass and the lap band. Like why you chose one over the other. And so on.
I'm home during the day I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old.
Hope to talk to you soon,
I knew you had to be related somehow! Too funny.... Anyway, I think my brother graduated in 1986. His name is Kyle Surgent, and he married a girl from your class too, Karen Villaroel. Do you know them? Another brother graduated in 1984, Timmy Surgent. You might know him?
As far as choosing the surgery that was right for me, I think I decided at the doctor's informational seminar up at Hackensack Univ. Med. Ctr. I just always knew in my heart that I NEEDED the gastric bypass..... it was just right for me. The lap band seemed not extreme enough for me, if that makes sense. I had 80-90 pounds to lose and the restrictions of the lap band diet were not enough to help me make that goal. I had dieted all my life, like most people here, and will power wasn't my strong suit let's say. So, gastric bypass was the right choice for me. All I can say about making that decision for yourself is to start going to the informational meetings/seminars that different surgeons put on, you will know what is right for you.
I'd love for you to join us at our January meeting if you want. It would be January 5'th at Community. We also have one more meeting this year at Kimball Medical Center, and that's Monday, Dec. 18. All of our meetings are from 7-9pm and you will see reminders posted on the NJ board as the date gets closer.
It is nice to meet you
Michelle Surgent-Brennan
Brick NJ